So I've felt with anxiety all my life. Learned to live with it along with the use of a very low dose of klonopin. But, a lot of my anxiety has to trigger. For instance I can be relaxing in bed just fine. And out of no where get nervous for no reason and to the point where I have to take a shit. The fight of flight response is what I've narrowed it down to over the years. But for all heee years doctors have never tested for anything. Just threw prescription after prescription at me. After years of just dealing with it and just listening to the doctors give me no explanation except that it can be hormones (which I've asked me be tested) they never have any just kind shut me down. Are they any things that anyone might know of that I could test. Im going to be doing my own bloodwork At the end of the month due to having low t and trying to dial eveyrhing in. I'm checking my free t3-t4 because symptoms of that are nervousness/anxiety. Other then that I'm not sure. I know my thyroid has never been checked other then just feeling my throats area. Also something that has been going for about a year now as well is the constant feeling of my heart beat and some heart papilations. It's like the older I get the worse it has gotten. Even though I have many tricks and ways to calm myself down. And things that used to give me anxiety like going to crowded areas don't even bother me anymore. I'm just not convinced how one min I'm fine and literally the next min I'm having a panic attack. Something hormonal to me seems off. Thank you.
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