Hello i am man age 23i know i am young but an i want to take anavar... about 10mg for 8 weeks... i never taken steroids again... and i am afraid ... and ihave 100tabs of baltic Can you advise me what should i do while i am taking them and after... more over should i be ofraid of some side effects... i dont have heart probs or something only some Arrhythmia that i occurs sometimes...and before 9 months(i was taking EKA=efedrine caffeine aspirine) i had an episode of Hyperkoposis and heat exhaustion together(i thought i would die for like 3 months and still i am not at my best condition like i have some headaces and some arrhythmia) and this led me to this point ... to take some extra boost to keep up with the gym gym...i am former champion of greece swimming... so Let me know if this is would lead me to any problems ...i would appriciate you to answer me cause i am in a confusing situation
Thank you very much for you time....
Thank you very much for you time....