
Anavar cycle for women

Anavar will do many of the things that most female athletes want. You can expect your muscles to grow and make you much stronger if you plan for and take the proper dosage. But most importantly, you can expect to have a leaner body. Using Anavar is most popular among women for weight loss and cutting fat. my wife finds a dose of 15-20 mgs ed works very well for her. that being said i think women should start at 5 mg ed till they see how there bodys react.and split the dose up am and pm even better breakfast lunch and dinner. you can expect to get stronger leaner and cutt.Anavar does a lot to preserve lean tissue when you go on a diet. It does a lot to make you stronger. Most of the time, the average person loses tissue and gets weaker when going on a diet. However, when anavar is used, you can expect to keep more of it. Besides, when you maintain more muscle, this makes your metabolism burn faster. The more muscle and lean tissue on your body, the higher your metabolism rate will be. The bottom line is that you can get rid of more fat.
I couldn't agree more! The reason Anavar is so highly demanded by women is because of how little " manly " side effects come about during cycling. My buddys fiance does an anavar/clen stack a couple times a year and she loves it. Even with her being an experienced user, I do not believe she ever doses above 15mg ED. Believe me, she doesn't need to dose any higher, this girl is beyond jacked.
Every top female competitor is on Anavar on top of some other shit, but for the not so hardcore I think anavar is the best AAS option by far for females. And as you said there is nothing wrong with starting out the dose slow and tapering up side pending, it's just logical especially for first time users
I agree with this but disagree a teeny tiny bit. 5mg is almost nothing. I always start them out atleast 10mg ED. And go from their my gf started at 10. But now she does 30. Which is where her tolerance sits. Her system is stubborn and adapts to drugs quickly so we always switch it up other things. Which works great for her
I am getting more and more female clients, inquiries etc... FAR MORE than I ever expected but I am pleased to train female competitors... They are definitely far more delicate in terms of what to recommend because I am a firm believer they should not use too many types of anabolics... For me, the risk of developing male characteristics alone is not worth the risk/reward factor HOWEVER there are several options and strategies I have implemented... I see women using winstrol and proviron and just cannot stand it... I have seen them using things like npp and deca as well and it blows my mind... The two that I approve are OBVIOUSLY anavar and the more I implement, the more fond I grow of adding primo... I put more on oral primo as well as it seems to show a nice response in females... I have taken MANY women off hardcore steroids and put them on a stack of anavar with sarms and peptides and I am literally FLOODED with thank you letters, gratitude and thanks of saving their lives and I find more often than not that women feel they have no choice or alternative, even against their will with certain use... I have never seen any issue with anavar use though as it is very suited for females and thus is often their anabolic of choice... Oral primo can be an excellent benefit but i ONLY recommend that for real competitors... What i have done is put together two stacks for fitness and figure which tend to be the most popular divisions although there are several now to choose from where it almost get's confusing so let's just do a cutting and recomp/size stack layout...


1-12 GW-501516 20 mg day
1-12 S4 50 mg day
1-12 MK-2866 25 mg day
3-7 9-12 Albuterol 12-18 mg day
ECA stack throughout
7-12 anavar 10 mg day
7-12 cycle support

1-12 GW-501516 20 mg day
1-12 S4 50 mg day
1-12 LGD-4033 10 mg day
1-12 MK-2866 25 mg day
1-12 primo acetate 50-75 mg day
7-12 anavar 15 mg day
7-12 cycle support

Both have shown to be extremely effective and perfect for prepping...
TheSVPdeal said:
Vision sides are user dependent

Yep for sure and quality dependent! Just like with everything it depends on where you get it from

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TheSVPdeal said:
Ladies can easily handle and at at 10mg Ed almost indefinitely
This is usually what I would recommend. Some ladies like to start with 5mg and taper up but this is not necessary. It also isn't necessary to use more unless you have goals that would dictate such.

Ladies are sensitive to these drugs and a little goes a long way with them.
cybrsage said:
DylanGemelli said:
cybrsage said:
Do the vision sides appear at 50mg a day of S4?

They can bro... its person to person variant on how quickly it binds to the eye receptor... It is always best to follow my s4 dosing protocol to ensure you the best possibility of making it through with the least amount of binding... Here is the article I wrote on it...


anytime brother!!
Hello, I think I tried to ask you a question but forgot where exactly where I asked or what forum I posted to.... Please forgive me! But, I would like to know if GP Anavar good or not in your opinion? How much should a woman take?

Thanks in advance,
Angel Sim
angelsim said:
Hello, I think I tried to ask you a question but forgot where exactly where I asked or what forum I posted to.... Please forgive me! But, I would like to know if GP Anavar good or not in your opinion? How much should a woman take?

Thanks in advance,
Angel Sim

We have great sources on this board bro, so I don't see then need to take the risk with anything else, particularly Anavar which is faked about more than anything. Biotech has very good Anavar, and I can hook you up with a price list and personal discount if you'd like one.

For dose, 10mg is a great dose for most women
I use 10mg and I think it's a perfect dose for starting at. 5mg does nothing for me. Obviously every woman is different, but I would say 10mg is the perfect beginning point for women.
angelsim said:
Hello, I think I tried to ask you a question but forgot where exactly where I asked or what forum I posted to.... Please forgive me! But, I would like to know if GP Anavar good or not in your opinion? How much should a woman take?

Thanks in advance,
Angel Sim

Phurious also has great var. That's what I use and love. Like I said in the previous post, 10mg is great for starting. Let me know if you have more question or would like to check out the Phurious products. Discounts are available.
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