Hey guys im a week and a half into my cycle
Sust 500/wk
Tren ace 75/eod
Anadrol 50/ed
Prami .25/ed
Im up about 6lbs but my whole body is sore. Feels like DOMS which is a weird feeling for me as i never got sore after maybe my first year of lifting. Another thing i did was take a week off from the gym right before my cycle. I havent missed more than a day or two a week in the last 4 or 5 years and usually am at the gym 6 or 7 days a week. Any idea what could be causing this soreness? Feels like i got in a car wreck and insight is greatly appreciated
Edit my training methods have not changed much besides slight strength increase
Sust 500/wk
Tren ace 75/eod
Anadrol 50/ed
Prami .25/ed
Im up about 6lbs but my whole body is sore. Feels like DOMS which is a weird feeling for me as i never got sore after maybe my first year of lifting. Another thing i did was take a week off from the gym right before my cycle. I havent missed more than a day or two a week in the last 4 or 5 years and usually am at the gym 6 or 7 days a week. Any idea what could be causing this soreness? Feels like i got in a car wreck and insight is greatly appreciated
Edit my training methods have not changed much besides slight strength increase
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