Hey guys,
After much research, I've decided to try supplementing with SARMS. The 2 I would like to try are MK-2866 and RAD-140.
My original plan was to do 3 different cycles, taking a break in between each cycle. I would be doing 1 cycle of MK-2866. Another cycle of RAD-140. FInally another cycle of the 2 stacked. The purpose of this would be to really see how my body reacts to each one individually and then the 2 stacked.
Do you guys think I'm wasting time? Is this worth doing? Should I just stack them right away?
Thanks for your input!
After much research, I've decided to try supplementing with SARMS. The 2 I would like to try are MK-2866 and RAD-140.
My original plan was to do 3 different cycles, taking a break in between each cycle. I would be doing 1 cycle of MK-2866. Another cycle of RAD-140. FInally another cycle of the 2 stacked. The purpose of this would be to really see how my body reacts to each one individually and then the 2 stacked.
Do you guys think I'm wasting time? Is this worth doing? Should I just stack them right away?
Thanks for your input!