Actually dummy I'm a retired 45yo guy who is comfortable enough in life to be able to spend time on here as a rep. I'm 45, not trying to be shredded as my profile says, but I'm far from fat, or smooth retard. How'd you know I'd come at you like that? How about cuz it's true and we all know your issues brah. You make yourself look bad. All I do on this mother fucker is support my bro's by either affirming whether or not their gear is legit or not, or by sending business their way which folks can attest to. You on the other hand haven't even run a full cycle and yet you can critique a mother fucker? I see why ppl ask me why am I nice to you now, because I originally felt bad for you the way PHURIOUS used to lay pipe go your ass and now you go calling me jake? Dude suck my taint. If I seem reckless I got a news flash for you dumb ass, people and plenty of them here run what they want to get what they want out of a cycle. So jump on board the reality train fucktard. Look through yourvtgreads, I've done nothing but encourage your ass and you call me Jake. Lol, I own what I do, I don't have panic attacks and shit bro. That's your fucking area of expertise faggot.when you can get on my level financially, mentally and physically you let me know you bum bitch.