
Alleviating and healing winstrol side effects with mk-2866:New video by Dylan Gemelli

local shop had a killer sale

Follow me on The Gram -- @justjaredd

well, i guess you will just have to learn the hard way... theres a reason for that but you will learn... i spent a bunch of time trying to help you but ultimately you just have to learn but i would be monitoring bloods closely because chances are very very high you have a prohormone or lord knows what... i dont sit here all day trying to teach people about this just because bro... good luck...
well i calculated as 180 pills total but 2 pills equals 25mg of 1 serving. so 2 bottles

Follow me on The Gram -- @justjaredd I thought maybe you were talking about sarmsx stuff. I hadn't realized you picked up some pills or capsules. That's generally not a good sign of a legit product. I hate to tell you that, but we've covered that a lot of times on here. It's pretty much impossible to find sarms legit in capsule form. They can't even be sold as a dietary supplement. They need to speed sold as research chemicals

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
i honestly had no idea this issue existed guys. i'm very new and ignorant to sarms. i just learned that mk677 exists... i'm losing my shit because of this and need to get it immediately

Follow me on The Gram -- @justjaredd
i honestly had no idea this issue existed guys. i'm very new and ignorant to sarms. i just learned that mk677 exists... i'm losing my shit because of this and need to get it immediately

Follow me on The Gram -- @justjaredd

fuck bro, i guess i assumed you were reading on here everyday.. there's a reason we give recommendations to where to get the best because of things like this.. i wish there was something else i could do for you but yes, this is a HUGE issue... NEVER NEVER buy something like that at a "local shop" again bro... just pm me anytime you have questions like this... has the best and most trusted quality you can find...

always come to me, that's what im here for
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