
all oral cutting stack


New member
i was looking for recomendations on an all oral cutting cycle that will give me the least hairloss and most keepable gains my stats are
6 foot
160 lbs
9% bf

217817 said:
i was looking for recomendations on an all oral cutting cycle that will give me the least hairloss and most keepable gains my stats are
6 foot
160 lbs
9% bf


I may answer this if you promise not to say that you are under 21!
You are attempting to cut even though you weigh 160lbs at 9% bf? Im guessing your bf percentage is totally off, or you have a death wish.

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Hyena_ said:
You are attempting to cut even though you weigh 160lbs at 9% bf? Im guessing your bf percentage is totally off, or you have a death wish.

Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk

217817 said:
i was looking for recomendations on an all oral cutting cycle that will give me the least hairloss and most keepable gains my stats are
6 foot
160 lbs
9% bf


Man..6 feet tall 160 is thin, plus you have low BF and you want to cut? Plus you want all oral? Plus you want no hairloss?
If you read up on the hairloss issue you will find that the hairloss mechanism is not well understood. Just from my own observations I have found that the heavy hitters like adrol are worse. But again if you read up on steroids and hairloss there will be exactly opposite views. The problem with only oral cycles is there is no test. So back in the day when there was no oct or pct an all oral cycle would usually have 50mg/day mesterolone. An oral of 50mg/day winny and 50mg/day anavar with the winny stopping at 6 weeks and the anvar at 10 weeks can be used. Or 50/50/50 mesterlone/anavar/winstrol. Really and honestly I do not think there is anything that fits what you are requesting. I really don't like the term cutting cycle because it makes it sound like there is an aas that cuts you up, and there is none.Your diet does that. I have seen guys cut on just dbol, and not loose their hair either.
If I were 6ft 160 I would go for a low test and high eq cycle if hairloss is important, but this is injectable. And be aware that if it is in your genes to loose your hair there is nothing you can do about it. In the entire world around 30% of men have hairloss, so it is prevalent.
Re: RE: all oral cutting stack

217817 said:
i was looking for recomendations on an all oral cutting cycle that will give me the least hairloss and most keepable gains my stats are
6 foot
160 lbs
9% bf

I don't understand why you want to cut, and I also don't understand why you want to do orals only. I can help you set something up, but if you don't want to inject test you should at least add in SARMS.

What does your diet look like bro?
i dont want to cut im at the end of my cut and just trying to gain lean mass to finish it off i know nothing gets you cut but proper diet and exersise just wanted a stack that dosent add any bloat or unnecessary water retention wanted all oral cause im new to this and not to keen on needles this is my second cycle last oral cycle i had some minor hair loss just looking for some advice on a good quilty oral stack that dosent cause bloat is not known to be harsh on hairline but will give me best quailty lean gains i can get with minamal bloat and hairloss thanks
No worries, everyone is here to help. If you're at the end of your cycle and want to finish off with something to tighten up, many men choose winny for about 6 weeks. But you may not need that if your stats are correct. Let me know if you want help setting something up with Phurious products.
we will get it righf for you bro. Sometimes it just takes time getting all of the info....and speaking of which..I need some more info. So you are already on an oral cycle is the way I understand you. So what have you been on and for how long.
no not on a cycle right now did my first cycle last summer at the end of a cut and it was a oral tbol only cycle 60mg a day it was ok gained around 10lbs of quailty mass probly kept 5 of it after a pct of clomid 50mg a day for 14 days ive allways been skinny looking for somthing a little better this time around my plan is to do a cycle at the end of my cut every year right before i start to reverse diet and transition back into a lean bulk just to top of the cut thanks
217817 said:
no not on a cycle right now did my first cycle last summer at the end of a cut and it was a oral tbol only cycle 60mg a day it was ok gained around 10lbs of quailty mass probly kept 5 of it after a pct of clomid 50mg a day for 14 days ive allways been skinny looking for somthing a little better this time around my plan is to do a cycle at the end of my cut every year right before i start to reverse diet and transition back into a lean bulk just to top of the cut thanks

Honestly when it comes to orals, and wanting them to be lean and dry with no bloat, I don't know what else to recommend to you other than Tbol. You could try Winstrol or Anavar with some sarms. Here is a good cycle for you

1-12 lgd-4033 10 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg in the p.m.
1-12 GW-510516 (CARDARINE) 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout…
1-12 mk-2866 25 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
7-12 Anavar 60mg per day or Winstrol 50mg per day
1-12 Cycle Assist


Clomid 50/50/25/25
Nolva 40/40/20/20
Aromasin 12.5mg EOD
GW 20mg per day
MK-2866 25mg per day
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