Just a quick update on this. I have been running this for the past six weeks at 12.5mg/day. In the AM. I started during a pct to combat the IGF-reducing effects of Nolvadex and am continuing.
I am extremely impressed with this compound. I pretty much kept all of my gains from the SARMs cycle and have also had continued body recomposition. Sleep is the best I have had since I can remember (deep vivid dreams and waking up completely refreshed).
I added some magnesium and potassium and have had no water retention issues. Very minor muscle cramping here and there - but nothing major and the electrolyte supplement help a lot in this respect. Also, after the first week or so there were no lethargy or insatiable hunger sides.
So overall - my strength is up, muscle fullness way up, and staying very lean despite a diet that includes multiple steaks and beers per week. This could be my new favorite compound. My plan is to run this for another few months then run it along with a Rad and Sr9009 stack and let the gains roll in.
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absolutely awesome and what i fully expect to see with 677... i LOVE the progress brother... all at 12.5 mg... your running half the normal dose and still getting these types of gains... i have been saying for some time now that mk677 will eventually be the most popular and most used of every sarm and this is exactly my reasoning on that... it covers so many avenues when looking at all the benefits... the versatility is tremendous... very nice work brother! THANK YOU for the update!