I'd appreciate anyone's thoughts on this:
I'm currently about three weeks into an Osta/Rad stack and and very impressed with the results so far. (Got everything from SarmsX btw).
I'm thinking about throwing in a little MK-677 to accentuate the joint healing properties.
My questions are:
1) from what I've read I can run this right through my PCT and beyond, is that right?
2) if I dosed at night, would that help alleviate some of the lethargy that people may experience?
3) coming off - does your natural GH "crash" (go way below when you started)? If so is there some other type of pct needed for this sarm specific to GH "imbalances".
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I'm currently about three weeks into an Osta/Rad stack and and very impressed with the results so far. (Got everything from SarmsX btw).
I'm thinking about throwing in a little MK-677 to accentuate the joint healing properties.
My questions are:
1) from what I've read I can run this right through my PCT and beyond, is that right?
2) if I dosed at night, would that help alleviate some of the lethargy that people may experience?
3) coming off - does your natural GH "crash" (go way below when you started)? If so is there some other type of pct needed for this sarm specific to GH "imbalances".
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