
Advice on Dianabol


New member
Hi there,

I'm looking to start a Dianabol only cycle and wanted to run the plan by some guys in the know!

I'm 27 and have been training seriously for about 5 years. I'm 5'9 and 167lbs at 11% body fat. I play rugby and looking to add some weight. My goal is to keep it controlled, avoid as much water retention as possible and gain perhaps 6/7lbs of keepable muscle.

I'm thinking keep it short (4 weeks) due to toxicity, and relatively low dose, perhaps 30mg per day as this is my first cycle.

I know using dbol alone won't optimise results but after a lot of reading, I feel it's the best route for me personally. My goal isn't to 'blow up', it's just to enhance some reasonable gains that are going to help me in my sport.

I've also looked into Sarms but have decided this isn't the way I want to go.

I will be using a cycle support such as N2Guard to protect organs, maintain blood pressure etc.

However, (due to many conflicting articles!) I'm unsure about the use of aromasin/chlomid/nolvadex during the cycle and for PCT to maintain hormone levels and to reverse the effects of suppression.

Any advice would be appreciated!

sushiforthewin said:
Hi there,

I'm looking to start a Dianabol only cycle and wanted to run the plan by some guys in the know!

I'm 27 and have been training seriously for about 5 years. I'm 5'9 and 167lbs at 11% body fat. I play rugby and looking to add some weight. My goal is to keep it controlled, avoid as much water retention as possible and gain perhaps 6/7lbs of keepable muscle.

I'm thinking keep it short (4 weeks) due to toxicity, and relatively low dose, perhaps 30mg per day as this is my first cycle.

I know using dbol alone won't optimise results but after a lot of reading, I feel it's the best route for me personally. My goal isn't to 'blow up', it's just to enhance some reasonable gains that are going to help me in my sport.

I've also looked into Sarms but have decided this isn't the way I want to go.

I will be using a cycle support such as N2Guard to protect organs, maintain blood pressure etc.

However, (due to many conflicting articles!) I'm unsure about the use of aromasin/chlomid/nolvadex during the cycle and for PCT to maintain hormone levels and to reverse the effects of suppression.

Any advice would be appreciated!


If you aren't wanting to gain a lot of water weight, or blow up, then Dbol is probably the worst choice you could possibly make since 90% of its gains come from bloating you with water weight. I don't know how you can possibly think this is the right route for you, but I don't advise it. I'm not a fan at all of oral only cycles without test, but if you are going to run an oral only you are better off going with Tbol. It will give you the gains without the bloat.

Honestly I think sarms would be the best route to take, and I'm not sure why you don't want to go that route when you will get the best results that way
First of all instead of dbol use tbol
I would strongly recommend test only cycle or sarms and always have aromasin on hand and cycle support. The members here would give you much better advise so you came to the right place

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sushiforthewin said:
Hi there,

I'm looking to start a Dianabol only cycle and wanted to run the plan by some guys in the know!

I'm 27 and have been training seriously for about 5 years. I'm 5'9 and 167lbs at 11% body fat. I play rugby and looking to add some weight. My goal is to keep it controlled, avoid as much water retention as possible and gain perhaps 6/7lbs of keepable muscle.

I'm thinking keep it short (4 weeks) due to toxicity, and relatively low dose, perhaps 30mg per day as this is my first cycle.

I know using dbol alone won't optimise results but after a lot of reading, I feel it's the best route for me personally. My goal isn't to 'blow up', it's just to enhance some reasonable gains that are going to help me in my sport.

I've also looked into Sarms but have decided this isn't the way I want to go.

I will be using a cycle support such as N2Guard to protect organs, maintain blood pressure etc.

However, (due to many conflicting articles!) I'm unsure about the use of aromasin/chlomid/nolvadex during the cycle and for PCT to maintain hormone levels and to reverse the effects of suppression.

Any advice would be appreciated!


I know by now that guys who post already have their minds made up. So you heard what others said here, but you probably will not listen. First do just 20mg/day. 10b4 workout and 10 and bedtime. Try that for 4 weeks. Dbol is not as toxic as you may think, way safer than alcohol and excess tylenol.After 4 weeks see how you feel. Then up to 40 and go another 2 weeks.You then see how you feel. Want to go 2 more weeks then drop back to 20 or 30. You need to eat on dbol.
As for oct and pct you can find that all over these posts. It has been written here hundreds of times. I personally never used anything along with dbol because none of it was avaiable at the time. If it was then I may have used it. You have to pay attention to your mind and body, and if you do not feel good then stop. You will be noticably bigger after this cycle. So be ready for accusations. Be carefull
Most of the people that don't run trt doses of test loose every thing that they gain on dbol as soon as they stop. I run heavy cycles all the time, and nothing causes me gyno like dbol. Will your sport and goals, you should research tbol first. I will not cause you to put on 30# in 6 weeks. But the gains are more keep able and has great endurance benefits. Do a little more research before you decide what you are going to do.
Blackhat said:
Most of the people that don't run trt doses of test loose every thing that they gain on dbol as soon as they stop. I run heavy cycles all the time, and nothing causes me gyno like dbol. Will your sport and goals, you should research tbol first. I will not cause you to put on 30# in 6 weeks. But the gains are more keep able and has great endurance benefits. Do a little more research before you decide what you are going to do.

Hopefully he will follow this lighter type of dbol cycle. Like you, when I did 50+/day for 5 weeks and kept the test going the gains stay a lot longer. I saw one guy...poor bastard...did 50mg dbol /day on its own and put on 25 lbs in 10 weeks. Then he complained that he felt bloated so started diuretics. I should not have laughed, but the diruetics left him looking almost the same as when he started.

My youngest son is just discovering dbol and it kind of hynotizes them. He made it in oil at 40mg/ml to inject 1ml eod. I insisted...almost had to slap the shit out of add 100mg/ml sus to the formula. The difference the sus makes is huge! Even today I hear just like in the 60's...all you need is wheaties and dbol for breakfast. I think the gains come on so dramtically, that they really do get hynotized. Not to mention all of mental well being that comes with dbol. Unlike tren, dbol makes you feel like the king, so I see where the young uns are coming from. And of course a son always thinks his day has half a brain! I have to remind my kids that Dad has a B.S & chemistry and a D.V.M....and maybe just maybe I am not so stupid after all. But I am getting older and they are getting way bigger than
Thanks for all the pointers guys. I've no way made my mind up, that's the reason for being here and asking for advice!

I'll take on board what you've said and do some more research. I'm definately not going to rush into anything.
I would rather do sarms and have little to no side effects. But if you want aas then i would pick tbol instead since its all dry gains, lower toxicity and you don't have to worry about spiking estrogen levels like dbol. I would do it along with test, even at trt dose so you can get as much out of it. You should also run cycle assist with it followed by full pct either running tbol with test or not.
Re: RE: Re: Advice on Dianabol

sushiforthewin said:
Thanks for all the pointers guys. I've no way made my mind up, that's the reason for being here and asking for advice!

I'll take on board what you've said and do some more research. I'm definately not going to rush into anything.
That's a smart move, and if you have any other questions just let us know. You want to make sure to have all your bases covered and the right strategy before starting anything
Thanks Rick

I've decided after taking on board comments above and doing a lot more research, that Tbol is the way to go for me. Sarms and injectables don't appeal to me so the protocol will be as follows:

Tbol - weeks 1-6
40mg ED (possibly increasing to 60mg depending on body's response)

Chlomid - weeks 4-10

Nolvadex - weeks 4-10

N2Guard - weeks 1-10
5 caps ED

What are your thoughts on this set up? Also, I wanted to get your thoughts on adding a natural testosterone booster to pct?

sushiforthewin said:
Thanks Rick

I've decided after taking on board comments above and doing a lot more research, that Tbol is the way to go for me. Sarms and injectables don't appeal to me so the protocol will be as follows:

Tbol - weeks 1-6
40mg ED (possibly increasing to 60mg depending on body's response)

Chlomid - weeks 4-10

Nolvadex - weeks 4-10

N2Guard - weeks 1-10
5 caps ED

What are your thoughts on this set up? Also, I wanted to get your thoughts on adding a natural testosterone booster to pct?


Hey there! I love sushi too. ;)

I thought I would just toss this out there. I currently have a 'MrChristian's First Cycle Log' thread going. If you're curious about the perspective of a newbie to AAS who is doing their first cycle with tbol, feel free to give it a read. I've included a lot of details.

I was quite hesitant about the test injections at first to be perfectly honest. But dude, it's seriously no big deal. 100% mental, I promise. If you don't run the test, you risk sexual side effects (among others) that you really don't want to deal with. Anyway, good luck man! And keep eating sushi.
I just want to renforce your decision there. Tbol is the absolute shit. My favorite drug. Well one of them....

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