
advice for first Winstrol oral


New member
I’m 45 years old…done a cycle here and there, but I’m not really knowledgeable about the different cycles etc.. I’m also a PharmD, so I understand a fair amount…maybe just enough to be dangerous LOL. But this is not about me for now...
I like your videos dude. I appreciate that you don’t have the common “muscle-head” mentality. You put it out there in a factual, non-abrasive way.
That being said…I have a 25 year-old friend that wants to run a cycle. This kid has arms the size of a number 2 pencil and weighs maybe a buck ten.
We’re getting some Winstrol oral because he will NOT touch a needle. He just refuses. And after reading he liked the Winstrol side effect profile best. So…flog us if you must if that’s a bad first choice…but that’s just what we’ve decided.
What dose of oral Winstrol should he be on to start? At his size…I was wondering if 20mg daily might not suffice. He’s not tryna get huge…we just wanna put maybe 15 pounds on him so he can get a freaking date. Most chicks don’t like a dude they outweigh by 20 pounds.
Any advice you have about dosage or anything else is greatly appreciated.
FYI…I did order some test cyp as well…maybe I should duct tape him to a chair and make him use that as well?
No oral only cycles. If hes that skinny you need to strap him to a chair and force food down his throat. Aas will tear him up. Its not for rookies and imma work out for a couple months type people. He needs to put in the work. Yrs of training.

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Carb him up!! Way to dangerous to put the kid on orals!! Feed him every 2 hours pasta pasta pasta potato more pasta!! And put him in the gym he'll grow

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hey bro, im happy to help... i do not have any advice whatsoever because oral only cycles are the worst possible thing you could ever do period and the fact you would let him do that is concerning... watch this video...

he's still a bit young for steroids anyway... he needs to learn how to eat... if he is that undersized you are going to literally wreck him for life if he uses steroids... being that undersized and putting that amount of strain on his very weak joints, ligaments and tendons when he grows too fast is going to ensure he suffers frequent injuries the rest of his life... you are doing hims such a huge disservice i cannot even begin to explain.
So…flog us if you must if that’s a bad first choice…but that’s just what we’ve decided.

This is so incredibly insulting! Don't tell me what I don't want to hear... I don't give a shit I'm doing it anyway....please help me do it....

Yeah right
FYI…I did order some test cyp as well…maybe I should duct tape him to a chair and make him use that as well?

I'm blown away how clueless you don't have even a basic understanding of how steroids work
YOU have no business advising him on steroid use when yo yourself are so uneducated
YOU ARE DANGEROUS.... you are going to seriously injure this kid
I hate how ppl come here n say I know it's not right but ima do it anyway so help me....smh. winstrol isn't even a bulking compound! U might gain a few pounds because of the strenth gains u get but your not packing 15lbs on because it's not designed for that purpose! weight gainer twice a day to increase your calories by 3000 will add more weight than a toxic oral smh..I give up
I'm blown away how clueless you don't have even a basic understanding of how steroids work
YOU have no business advising him on steroid use when yo yourself are so uneducated
YOU ARE DANGEROUS.... you are going to seriously injure this kid

Bump this 100%

I don't know what's worse;

A) The flog comment
B) The fact that an "adult" is "advising" this kid
C) The fact that someone wants to use AAS "to get a date"

This whole thread is complete bullshit
I'll flog you. Fukkit think of it as payback for something bad you did.

Seriously, aside from your post being very ill informed and outright dangerous for this guy, now that you know you could cause more harm than good, I hope you both reconsider this. At 25 I don't consider him too young, but definitely on the low end of the allowable age consideration. What disturbs me is your willingness to just "invent" a way to proceed. This ain't the road he wants to, or should want to take. Later on he'll regret it even if he doesn't manage to snap something. If he's afraid to pin, this is not the lifestyle for him period.
This is so incredibly insulting! Don't tell me what I don't want to hear... I don't give a shit I'm doing it anyway....please help me do it....

Yeah right
i missed that part because it was late last night... all i can say is the op should be fucking ashamed... seriously fucking ashamed... i have NO respect whatsoever for this kind of bull shit attitude and behavior... what a lack of care and just being a human being in general... i fucking despise this
This guy is cluesless to the steroid world and wants to put a innocent kid at 110lbs on orals.. He should be ashamed of himself

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The worst is he is a pharmd. I mean you actually have years of medical training. To be so nonchalant and reckless with a young mans life and future is a little disturbing to me.

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The worst is he is a pharmd. I mean you actually have years of medical training. To be so nonchalant and reckless with a young mans life and future is a little disturbing to me.

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absolutely bro... thats why i brought up the negligence... its unreal! its more disheartening and disappointing than anything
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