
Adding Stanozolol to my Tren cycle?



Hei Dylan, Have a question here I need some advice on. Currently am running a cycle of Pharmacom Tren 400mg/week and Test 400mg/week in a recomp cycle for 20 weeks. Auxillaries are Aromasin 12.5 E3D, Caber 0.25 E3D, Cycle support and Cadarine (GW-501516) 15mg/ED, Ostarine (MK2866) 25mg/ED.

My sweet spot with Ten seems to be current dose am on. Sides are very minimal to nonexistent, except fo sex dive which is not sufferring in slightest. If anything, it is in overdrive and I want to damn near jump anyone who let me!! Limp dick is not issue here. How about adding 50mg Stanozolol ED for 6 weeks of my cycle to help in bulking a bit??

Have been checking my labs and all seems right in line!! Am building muscle and Body fat is going down so my weight is the same, but am just changing shape for the better! Does adding Stanozolol seem like good idea here? -Dorin
Hei Dylan, Have a question here I need some advice on. Currently am running a cycle of Pharmacom Tren 400mg/week and Test 400mg/week in a recomp cycle for 20 weeks. Auxillaries are Aromasin 12.5 E3D, Caber 0.25 E3D, Cycle support and Cadarine (GW-501516) 15mg/ED, Ostarine (MK2866) 25mg/ED.

My sweet spot with Ten seems to be current dose am on. Sides are very minimal to nonexistent, except fo sex dive which is not sufferring in slightest. If anything, it is in overdrive and I want to damn near jump anyone who let me!! Limp dick is not issue here. How about adding 50mg Stanozolol ED for 6 weeks of my cycle to help in bulking a bit??

Have been checking my labs and all seems right in line!! Am building muscle and Body fat is going down so my weight is the same, but am just changing shape for the better! Does adding Stanozolol seem like good idea here? -Dorin

your asking the biggest winstrol fan if its a good idea bro... of course it is... =) Here is the thing.. you said you wanted to add it for bulking? thats completely opposite of what its used for... if you want to do that then tbol would be what to add... winstrol would be used at the end of the cycle to polish off everything... it can add some lean muscle for sure but its not going to be used for bulking... how many weeks in are you?
Ok so I add winny too tren all the time but what concerns me is you said bulking .winny is an aesthetic gains are minimul if any If your under 8 percent bodyfat it will make you look freakish but If your still trying too add size thats not the one you want

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your asking the biggest winstrol fan if its a good idea bro... of course it is... =) Here is the thing.. you said you wanted to add it for bulking? thats completely opposite of what its used for... if you want to do that then tbol would be what to add... winstrol would be used at the end of the cycle to polish off everything... it can add some lean muscle for sure but its not going to be used for bulking... how many weeks in are you?

Am in 8 weeks as for now. This is 8th week! Never thought of Turinabol and have never tried this. Is an injectable product? I try to avoid oral cycle because as medical student, any thing going theough gastrointestinal tract can raise level of hepatoxicity!

Măndru că sunt Român! Arata le tururor ca iubește Român. Nu uite ca ești Român.
Am in 8 weeks as for now. This is 8th week! Never thought of Turinabol and have never tried this. Is an injectable product? I try to avoid oral cycle because as medical student, any thing going theough gastrointestinal tract can raise level of hepatoxicity!

Măndru că sunt Român! Arata le tururor ca iubește Român. Nu uite ca ești Român.

its an oral but i know iwgf has injectable tbol... you could run it 6 weeks at 60 mg per day... if you want to avoid toxicity, orals or another injectable, you could add LGD-4033 and RAD-140... those would be right in line with what you want and you can run them a lot longer as well..
its an oral but i know iwgf has injectable tbol... you could run it 6 weeks at 60 mg per day... if you want to avoid toxicity, orals or another injectable, you could add LGD-4033 and RAD-140... those would be right in line with what you want and you can run them a lot longer as well..

LGD-4033 and RAD-140 Instead of Tbol?

Măndru că sunt Român! Arata le tururor ca iubește Român. Nu uite ca ești Român.
You're doing 20 weeks dude? You sure you wanna do that? 400mg is a decent dose of tren. :/

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yes absolutely...

Ok, thx! Sound like a better option since am concern about loading up with too much at once! I want good benefit out of this, but not at expense of doing damage to myself!

Măndru că sunt Român! Arata le tururor ca iubește Român. Nu uite ca ești Român.
Ok, thx! Sound like a better option since am concern about loading up with too much at once! I want good benefit out of this, but not at expense of doing damage to myself!

Măndru că sunt Român! Arata le tururor ca iubește Român. Nu uite ca ești Român.

exactly and thats why i recommend it... a perfect alternative for you bro... lgd is 10 mg per day and rad is 20-30... dose them both in the a.m. everyday....
You're doing 20 weeks dude? You sure you wanna do that? 400mg is a decent dose of tren. :/

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Miscalculation! Actually is 16 weeks. I end this cycle on Decembrie 15. Is 16 weeks, not 20! And yes, I had thought about tjis! But I tolerate Tren really well and we get along great! Doctor has me on TRT before I even start this. Because of my physical injuries after accident (I was hit by two cars and broken bones in more than 200 places) am making recovery. According to my labs, things are good and am not having advers effects others do. Everyone is different. PCT for me will be longer and at sone point I lije to try and stop Test as well to see if My body can produce enough on is own. I am not ovweight anymore and workout hard. All things necesar to replace my natural test levels, but if not, back on cruise. Doctor is aware of what is hoing on. Am fortunate we have good relationship..........

Măndru că sunt Român! Arata le tururor ca iubește Român. Nu uite ca ești Român.
if you are experienced and on trt etc. then 20 is fine... its when you have no experience, etc... then its an issue
if you are experienced and on trt etc. then 20 is fine... its when you have no experience, etc... then its an issue

Is why my doctor is monitoring me on this. I plan for 16, but I can go to 20. He is actually pleased with my results so far!

Măndru că sunt Român! Arata le tururor ca iubește Român. Nu uite ca ești Român.
Is why my doctor is monitoring me on this. I plan for 16, but I can go to 20. He is actually pleased with my results so far!

Măndru că sunt Român! Arata le tururor ca iubește Român. Nu uite ca ești Român.
Thats awesome!! Wish my doc was like

Stronger Bigger Faster
Worldwide Pharmacom Labs Official Distributor since 2008
Thats awesome!! Wish my doc was like

Stronger Bigger Faster
Worldwide Pharmacom Labs Official Distributor since 2008

Well he does mot want to know exactly, if you know what I mean! I can not name names, but he gets the point! Not to put down as parrt of MAR! (Medical Administration Record) But we have verbal understanding! Being a Medical professional and after Masters RN of Ortopaedic medicine is stressful on every part of body and mind.
He knows this and is why he is encouraging. Yes, am very lucky, but Masters RN of Ortopaedic medicine is my lifes work!

Măndru că sunt Român! Arata le tururor ca iubește Român. Nu uite ca ești Român.
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See I would use winny in a bulk too, BUT not for winny to do the job of making me grow. It would be for strength and IGF and largely for aesthetics as well. Winstrol may not give a lot of mass but it certainly won't hurt it. It would be awesome with tren but would definitely be harsh on the organs no doubt.

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You're doing 20 weeks dude? You sure you wanna do that? 400mg is a decent dose of tren. :/

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I noticed that too. That's pretty damn long on tren. I wouldn't advise that at all. Talk about wrecked lipids....fuck

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
As for winstrol I always used it as a finisher when running tren. I think it goes perfectly there.

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
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