Hi all! I have been running LGD for about 2 and a hlaf weeks now and was considering adding S4 into the mix as well as GW. I read on a post somewhere on here that even if adding s4 a little later in the cycle like I am I can still run it the full 12 weeks even once stopping the lgd. My question is on that. Will that mean run it into my PCT with clomid? Or would it mean just be on cycle for around 14 weeks as opposed to 12. Stopping lgd on week 12 and keep on running s4 into week 13 and 14 possibly week 15 as depending on when it comes in the mail. My worry is since lgd is already one of the more suppressive sarms will it further suppress me making reocovery harder? What is your ideas on this Dylan?? I would like his opinion as well if at all possible. Or if its fine and more safe I'd just run the lgd the full 12 weeks, and add s4 around week 3-4 and carry it on in the cycle till week 12 making the s4 only run about 8 or 9 weeks.. I can still get that synergy effect with that amount of time I am sure.
Bodyweight 196
Bodyfat below 10 now maybe 8 or 9
height 6 foot
train monday-friday
have been continuing to cut and once I get to 190 might increase calories till i slowly hit 200 while on cycle then drop back down in time to compete. Been using sarms to increase muscle as well as not lose muscle while dieting and with s4 now really trying to take it a step above im already in incredible aesthetic shape. Sarms are just pushing me over the edge. I'll post some pictures if you want in private messages just won't on here because anyone could see its me and people know who i am in my area. Thanks!
Bodyweight 196
Bodyfat below 10 now maybe 8 or 9
height 6 foot
train monday-friday
have been continuing to cut and once I get to 190 might increase calories till i slowly hit 200 while on cycle then drop back down in time to compete. Been using sarms to increase muscle as well as not lose muscle while dieting and with s4 now really trying to take it a step above im already in incredible aesthetic shape. Sarms are just pushing me over the edge. I'll post some pictures if you want in private messages just won't on here because anyone could see its me and people know who i am in my area. Thanks!