Mate trust me, you do NOT want to pop them. I've dealt with acne for years and I can tell you one thing, popping them makes them come back worse and with a vengeance. Also increases the chances of an infection. But if you can't stop yourself from popping them, (I know the feeling) then use a clean needle/pin to pop the centre of the pimple, and disinfect the spot with alcohol swabs afterwards. If you do not have a pin/needle, then do as follows:
1. Soak some tissue with hot water, and hold it against the pimple so that the fluid all comes to the surface.
2. Disinfect the pimple with alcohol swabs, and clean your hands.
3. lean heard forward, so you are facing the floor, and gently squeeze AROUND the pimple with your index fingers, by rotating your fingers in a circular motion. Do not squeeze the tip of the pimple.
4. if nothing is coming out through gentle pressure, do not force it any harder, it is not ready to be popped. Leave it for another time.
5. After popping it, disinfect with another alcohol swab and gently press against it with tissue/swab until bleeding stops.