
Accidentally 2,089ng/dL on TRT Dose - Overdosed Gear?


I've been on doctor prescribed TRT for 1.5 years now, and for the past 6-7 months, my dose is a very moderate 125mg/week, pinned every Tuesday. The last time I got blood works was in December, and my T came in around 800ng/dL - which is perfect for me, maybe even a bit high. I live in Asia, where the doctor prescribed stuff doesn't seem any more legit than the sources I can get online, so I have several sources.

This morning, I was pretty shocked to see the results come in at 2,089ng/dL, when I've been shooting the same 125mg/week, pinned every Tuesday. The only difference is the source of the gear. I was under the impression that it was Sustanon 250mg, same as what I was using in December (only different brand and source).

One possibility, is that I completely forgot that I did my weekly shot this morning around 7am...and my extraction was around 9:30am same morning. Is it possible that this is why the result came in so high? I honestly wouldn't have thought it'd saturate my blood that quickly?

Otherwise, I'm guessing that the gear is much stronger than 250mg/mL strength - because I always do 0.5cc shots - but then it'd have to be like 350-450mg/mL strength - in which case there should be PIP, right?

Would appreciate your insights as to whether it's the gear, or the timing of the shot and extraction.

in the meantime, I've contacted my source and asked what strength the gear was supposed to be....
What source are you using?

It always important to do bloodwork when switching sources or even different brands from the same source. Not all raws are created equal.
not discussing my sources.

as for the variance in raws - seems pretty drastic, if the same dose of 125mg/ml strength can pull a result of 800 vs 2,089...that's over double the strength.

what about the timing of taking the weekly shot at 7am, and then getting the extraction at 9:30am same day? is it possible that it'd increase so much within a few hours? or would that mean that my T has been elevated for at least a few weeks? (I switched brands about 5-6 weeks ago).
Well you're not obligated to discuss your source. I'm not well versed on timing of bloodwork but if a source is overdosing (maybe by accident) it's important to know because things can get out of hand like estrogen and that could be dangerous.
It could be the timing but I'm not sure really. Let's let some of the bloodwork experts give us their advice.
Yes, timing can impact bloodwork for sure. I've seen my own numbers after my normal TRT shot about 1500 LESS than 24 hours after injection but tapers to under 1000 within 2 days. I'd retest and do it the same time after injection for consistency
Yes, timing can impact bloodwork for sure. I've seen my own numbers after my normal TRT shot about 1500 LESS than 24 hours after injection but tapers to under 1000 within 2 days. I'd retest and do it the same time after injection for consistency

OK, that's somewhat comforting to hear! If you've seen around 1500 variance, then I'm pretty sure that my result is skewed. I completely forgot that I need to do the extraction in the trough. still seems pretty wild to have such variance, but I'll do another test right before my shot next week - see what the trough is.
Long esters can peak pretty high before they settle down.
OK, that's somewhat comforting to hear! If you've seen around 1500 variance, then I'm pretty sure that my result is skewed. I completely forgot that I need to do the extraction in the trough. still seems pretty wild to have such variance, but I'll do another test right before my shot next week - see what the trough is.
I'm kinda curious what you find, so keep us updated
as rick pointed out, timing can be very important here... retest and let us know what you find... if its still the same then we know your test is definitely over dosed
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