
a question


New member
hi guys i'm thinking about starting my first cycle of steroids
what do you think i should i use
im 22 years old
6ft1 tall
and i've been training for 4 years now
i'll be glad if i get your help
I agree with robo. Still a lil on the young side. Sarms would be ideal at your age and not fuck up your FH and LH

Phurious Pharma Representative
PM me for a price list or any questions and use promo code BB5 for 5% discount
hi guys i'm thinking about starting my first cycle of steroids
what do you think i should i use
im 22 years old
6ft1 tall
and i've been training for 4 years now
i'll be glad if i get your help

Way too young bro. At your age, your endocrine system is producing a lot of test and you don't want to fuck with that. It's also the best years of your life to make some great natty gains with a good diet.

What is your weight, and body fat? I can possibly help set you up with a great sarms stack depending on your goals, but you should go nowhere near steroids right now

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
Too young my friend. Proper food intake is key. I have buds that messed up their endocrine system. Take time to study and learn.
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