Getting ready to begin my cycle June 1st... 16-18 weeks
Current stats:
10% BF
Cycle goal: To look like drb's younger brother ..lol
I'm shooting for a recomp... 185lbs 9% BF
TestE 350mg
TrenA 200mg 12 weeks
Deca 200mg
Primo 800mg
EQ 460mg
Proviron 50mg ed
GW-501516 20mg ed
I will continue my normal HGH 3.33IU per day
If prolactin rears its ugly head I'll drop the Tren,
lower the Test to 275mg and up the EQ to 700mg
For those that might be interested:
I will pin every day...27G x 1/2" slin pin
1cc each morning and .92cc every evening
Diet: 1965 calories
Protein 200g 40%
Carb 100g 20%
Fat 85g 40% mainly coconut oil
I'm coming off my cruise a bit flat...but the photo makes me look even flatter than I really am
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