A little update. Surgery went real good, some weeks left before I can start with weights. I'm hopeful to recover 100%, it feels that way at least got almost all my range of motion back already. My god have i lost muscles this last month!, can hardly recognise myself. But it is what it is, I took a complete break from roids from the end of April since I was gonna be out anyway, took hcg/nolva/clomid,hcgenerate, blood work coming up to see my recovery but that's another story!
Anyway here's what iv stacked up as my comeback cycle.
1: Test, always test right?
. As mentioned I convert average or slight above, specially with higher dose it seems to ramp up. So il go with 250mg e5d as my base. 350 week should be enough. This dose have worked fine in the past. If EQ/mast gives me low E2 i will increase the dosage. Have dbol at hand for quick E2 boost.
2: EQ. My DHB source went out of the window and I don't want deca for the uberlong detection time and shutdown, and the prolactin doesnt require any actions from me either. I also want to give EQ another shoot, I'm not done with that one yet, we go for one more ride. 600mg week, divide in 2 shoots like test.
3: Masteron, boy i love this steroid. I know its not a bulker by any means, this sweet thing is all a feel good for me. Lower SHBG to let Test and Eq shine, lift my overall mood. Havent nailed the dosage yet, leaning towards 400mg week. Low dose for many I know, but for me it will do what It's supposed to. Won't add an AI to start, blood work 4 weeks in to adjust from there.
4: 10mg Cialis ed, BP and all other good stuff from it.
5: Mk677 10mg ed, I'm 40+, cant hurt to boost HGH and IGF1 levels. Have ran this alot and I like it.
6: Have both Adex and Aromasin at hand, won't use unless I have to. Blood work to see.
7: HCG. If my test values come back descent from my time off then my PCT have worked, and if so then i do want to come off again, and HCG through this cycle is a must. If my test levels are severely fucked after 4-6 month off I probably just accept my system is fried and stick to TRT.
8: Dbol. My liver handles it fine from past experience, get slightly elevated on 60mg, but it takes several weeks. Haven't used orals in a long time and my liver values are perfect. If I use it at all, it will be 20mg x2 daily, and it wont be before bloodwork and AI are set on test/EQ/mast. To many variables to have dbol from day one, and the fast strength won't be welcome before I'm ready for it. If its going reel good i may even skip it, this one time will tell. Add TUDCA if I take it.
I will train atleast 4-6 weeks clean before I even think about starting the cycle, get used to the weights again and feel if my fracture and joint is really holding up. If my body need more time then so be it, if i can't go 100% then there's no use for the roids yet.
So it basically looks like this, for 16 weeks.
Test 350
Eq 600
Mast 400
Mk/Cialis 10mg each
Dbol wild card?, wont use it the first 8 weeks thats for sure. Dial in AI before. 2x20mg if used.
Hcg?, depending on my recovery, its all in the text above.
Il be back!, as one man once said
. Every feedback are welcome.
Ohh and btw, do you guys use HCgenerate during cycles also? I have only used it this time for recovery, not during cycle.