
54 year old male introduction:

Like Dylan said, time will take it's toll....but by being responsible - getting bloods, reasonable dosing, clean diet, and exercise you can live a long happy life walking the Middle Way. I met a guy in line at the gas station last year, he saw my physique and pulled out his phone to show me pictures. He was #2 Mr. Mexico the year before when he was 72 years old....
Yeah-common sense- I knew that I just needed someone to tell me again, and again. Getting old Blows, father time does not hold back.
Trust me I know all too well bro. I'm in my mid 40s now and I can't do a lot of the things I used to. I can't handle certain things I once could either, and I have to cycle much more responsibly and put health and longevity before all
you should stick with the same dosing throughout... 250-300 each of test and deca and yes, you need caber... .25 mg every 3 days... you wont need pct being on trt as was pointed out...

Dylan I have watched many of your educational YouTube videos and I think you for the wealth of knowledge that you have given me. On one video you recommended private for blood draw, and my question to you is which Group or test I should get done? I obviously did the before and now I will be doing one for during and then I will get one done after my cycle. I just want to know what test I should pay for? Again thanks for everybody's help and input whoever answers this.
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I went to private md labs and got the women hormone panel done , why because my estradiol levels were not checked on my last post blood draw. Results as of 5-6-18 last Trt shot off 100mg on fed 12 ,
Total test 150
Estradiol 5.0pg/ml
RBC 5.7
Hemoglobin 18.g/dL
Hematocrit 51.7%
Glucose 89 after fasting
LH .1 miu/ml
FSH .2 miu/ml
AST 34
ALT 45
Should I be alarmed about any of these numbers especially the ALT and my high hemoglobin before I start a cruise ?
I don't know how I missed this thread. Welcome to forum. I'm 48 not quite your age yet but hope to still be doing it at 54 like you.
OK let's try this one more time baseline blood results March 5, 2018 with reference range.
I don't believe my total test from January was correct at 900 for the last 6plus year its been around 280-320.

Total test 150. 264-916ng/dl
Estradiol 5.0pg/ml. 7.6-42.6pg/ml
RBC 5.7 4.14-5.80 x10e6/ul
Hemoglobin 18.g/dL 13-17 g/dl
Hematocrit 51.7% 37.5-51%
Glucose 89 after fasting >12hr
LH .1 miu/ml 1.7-8.6 miu/ml
FSH .2 miu/ml 1.5-12.4 miu/ml
AST 34 0-40 IU/l
ALT 45 0-44 iu/l
Should I be alarmed about any of these numbers especially the ALT and my high hemoglobin before I start a Cruze ?
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You may want to give blood to help lower your hematocrit. That's the viscosity of your blood. You don't want it to get thick. That can lead to issues. Giving blood periodically on trt or while on cycle helps.
I feel like Crap!!! I started my cycle 3-12-18 200mg Test c, 200mg Deca and 200mg EQ, I pin myself 3xa week 100mg test & 100mg deca Monday and Thursday and EQ on Tuesday. I also take AI .5 EOD and caber E3D- my head hurts, I'm flush with hot flashes, and I'm tired.... *** NEED advise what to do , I have not given blood yet -I was going to wait till mid cycle, and I was thinking on getting my blood drawn again Evan though I just had it done. your thoughts?
You're getting old bro and you just started a blast. You're only 5 days into it so your body is going through changes. Ancillary doses seem very high compared to the low AAS dosages. 200 EQ is a waste you need to bump it up to 600 minimum.
I don’t understand that word old LOL you’re only as old as you feel. No Seriously I know my age is a factor and I started the EQ low just to see how I would react to the cycle due to my age. I understand that I need to bump up the EQ but besides bumping up this and probably test do you think I should be concerned about anything else should I get a blood test done now on the two weeks mark or wait till the mid cycle for blood work? And they see reply happy Saint patties day everybody
I was just kidding about your age. It's really early for blood work. I would press on but you should feel better in another week or two then you can get blood work and decide if you need to make changes. Only you know how you feel... If it's really bad then you should consider stopping.
Copy that thanks reply I was thinking the same thing just needed to hear it from somebody else , also I will adjust my ancillary dose accordingly while raising everything else.
I agree with the observations that the supports are way high compared to the doses. I wouldn't even use EQ under 600mg a week (really 800) and with the Deca at that level....I recommend contacting Dylan for some guidance. I'm 54 and 4 weeks into a 16 week Test E, Mast E, EQ cycle (check my log under Robo Spring Cycle) and I feel great. Coming off of a 90mg a week Test E cruise (still spilt in 2) and I am in the best shape of my life. Of course, all of this is a back drop to killing it in the gym and a diet that has been a science experiment for 15 many years young?
I agree with the observations that the supports are way high compared to the doses. I wouldn't even use EQ under 600mg a week (really 800) and with the Deca at that level....I recommend contacting Dylan for some guidance. I'm 54 and 4 weeks into a 16 week Test E, Mast E, EQ cycle (check my log under Robo Spring Cycle) and I feel great. Coming off of a 90mg a week Test E cruise (still spilt in 2) and I am in the best shape of my life. Of course, all of this is a back drop to killing it in the gym and a diet that has been a science experiment for 15 many years young?

Thax Buddhabuilder. I'm glad to hear your also 54!!! and still blasting . I also looked at your Spring Cycle , thanks for sharing that too. I feel like I'm in the best shape off my life too and I will defiantly be bumping up all the mg this week; while keeping a close eye on how I respond to the raise. Again I really do appreciate this form and the support/guidance/education that follows.
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