
50 year old steroids help


When you get I chance (I am sure your swamped) I uploaded my blood work from last month - it included all panels including Testosterone and Estradiol panels, etc. Thanks.
@DylanGemelli and @buen -

Sorry it took so long to get this report, it was like asking for classified documents, wth -- anyways I hope it give you guys a better Idea of levels - I did of course black out my personal & doctor info, I am sure you understand. My appointment with the Endo is the end of month, unless they get a cancellation.

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Well, the 500lb gorilla in the room is that with those numbers and your symptoms no LH(Leut.Hormone) or FSH test was run to determine primary gonadal failure. My gut feeling is that the LH is wat over range.
Well, the 500lb gorilla in the room is that with those numbers and your symptoms no LH(Leut.Hormone) or FSH test was run to determine primary gonadal failure. My gut feeling is that the LH is wat over range.

Okay those are two more terms I will research on. I have a fasting Blood work for a complete Blood Work, Allergy (I dont know why yet) and ALL Hormone Panels, and a glucose tolerance test, that I am having drawn next week so the new Endo Doc will have results back when I go in on my first visit, the Endo office nurse called today and set me up with and appointment. I was actually shocked that they wanted test done BEFORE I went, lol, not used to that!

Sorry to sound dumb... but is primary gonadal failure the same as Acquired testicular Failure? If so I have had that diagnosis for two years+
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Hi bro... thanks for posting these... we need a bit more info
The following blood work needs to be done

It wouldn't hurt to check cortisol also

Your iron and zinc level can be significant also

It sounds like you are on the right track with the new Endo

Hypogonadism...who's primary symptom is manifested as low testosterone ....comes in 2 flavors

1. Primary: is you have a problem with your testicles not being able to produce testosterone
2. Secondary: is your pituitary gland isn't "telling" your testicles to to make testosterone
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Sorry...I was reading to fast and missed your saying you already have a diagnosis of Acquired testicular Failure

Yes...that means you have primary hypogonadism

Acquired refers to the fact that it developed sometime after birth...that you were t born with malfunctioning testies
Did they do further tests to determine if you have testicular cancer?
I don't want to alarm you.. but it should be checked
Given your extremely low testosterone level it's highly unlikely... because both your testicle seem to not be producing... with cancer it most often is only 1 testicle

Bottom line is.. you are on track to get a fully work up from your Endo...all of the above is just speculation...let us know how it goes with the new Dr
Wish you all the best brother
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I'm I correct.... you were on 400mg of testosterone cyp per week.... and your total testosterone level was only 63ng/dL ??

I'm totally baffled.... way above my pay grade.... I have no clue how your body could metabolize that much test without raising your blood serum level
I'm I correct.... you were on 400mg of testosterone cyp per week.... and your total testosterone level was only 63ng/dL ??

I'm totally baffled.... way above my pay grade.... I have no clue how your body could metabolize that much test without raising your blood serum level

Thanks for all your info, and I will get you guys the rest of the info you requested, as soon as I get the new blood tests, and I will ask if those test you mentioned are in the blood test panels they are doing.

No, testicular cancer as of last check (um 18 months ago or so Doctor did a test and check). Everything worked great until about 3 or so years ago, like I said. I have a couple kids, so it all used to work, LMAO (sorry have to laugh, cause it sucks now). Like I mentioned before even 10 years ago I had people telling me I had a very high natural testosterone level, but it seems like it all burnt out??

You being baffled is totally normal, my regular Doctor cant understand either at one point two years ago he actually had me go to his office twice a week for a month and he did the injections and then tested - it seems by day 3 (I inject every 4 days), the Testosterone is gone? He used to say I worked and worked out to much - that seems silly, but now that is definitely NOT the case (i wish it was)!
Dumb question, but after reading a few things here, would it be worth me splitting my dose and taking it every other day??? Would it hurt? or should I just wait to see Endo?
you need Dr House..LOL..if you remember the old TV series

any chance you contracted mumps in the last few years?
I do remember the show, my wife has said the same!!!

No mumps. No illness in past 5 years but Flu, two cases of pneumonia, I was snake bit (Cottonmouth)(5 years ago), shot (had on body armor so only broke ribs this time)(4 years ago) and had a bad car accident last year. But in past 5 years nothing else major for illness or injury.
@buen - Sorry it took awhile. It took FOREVER to finally get to see a new specialist! But I had my 1st appointment and I was able to get all the blood work you suggested. I am picking up a copy of the labs today and I will post ASAP. I look forward to your input.
@buen - Sorry it took awhile. It took FOREVER to finally get to see a new specialist! But I had my 1st appointment and I was able to get all the blood work you suggested. I am picking up a copy of the labs today and I will post ASAP. I look forward to your input.
yes, definitely post them brother so we can get you the proper guidance
@buen - Sorry it took awhile. It took FOREVER to finally get to see a new specialist! But I had my 1st appointment and I was able to get all the blood work you suggested. I am picking up a copy of the labs today and I will post ASAP. I look forward to your input.
Let's have a look and see if we can figure out a plan of action
Hi new to this forum and just came across this thread. Hope things are looking up for you. I am interested for one because I have Hashimotos thyroiditis and when I dont take my medicine I get all out of whack and prior to the diagnosis i was overweight as well. Sounds as if you may have something other than this. I will continue to follow. Good luck with everything brother

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I was VERY surprised by the new ENDO! Very accommodating, and was puzzled as well. She is in her Mid-30's, and she agreed to all test from the list you suggested. She is having also have a special blood draw series next week, I go in at 5am (fasting) on Monday which would be my next Testosterone injection day. They will draw blood, then they will give me my testosterone shot, wait 1 hour and draw again. I will go back around Dinner time for another draw, and then another draw on Wednesday.
She said it will be to check my Testosterone Levels, and figure out the rate and cause of what makes them drop. Also I have to record all food and drink.. She was surprised and excited that I already do that, lol!

What really surprised me was she suggested a I may want a referral to go to a clinic in Florida, for HGH Therapy (not prescribed in my state I guess). But we would decide on my next visit after she reviews the results. I all ready checked the costs and insurance will not cover, first visit is like $350, and then average monthly cost of HGH Therapy is $695 per month! Her open mindedness blew me away, well that an HGH is legal in a nearby state! lol
you do know you can easily use mk677 at a fraction of the cost and get very very similar results to that of hgh right?
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