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46 Yrs Old


I've been off AS and the gym for over a year, more like almost 2 yrs. Getting things back together now and starting over. I've always been a Test and EQ guy simply because most of the other AS jacked with my anxiety.
Now I'm ready about all these SARMS out there with less sides and want feed back on what you guys think of them.
I want to gain muscle back and burn fat. Don't care about getting huge or strong. To many injuries to try to get there.
I do want to get me 25 year old body back though sooo?
What SARMS have you guys had good results on.
I'm kinda liking the posts on RAD-140?

I do know that I will (have) started a test/Eq stack but would like to move over to something less harmful if the SARMS prove promising.
I'm getting old and don't want my heart to explode on me with AS cycles. I was one of those guys that would stay on for 6-8 months at a time and never use a PST when I came off. Just took the crash when it came......
No telling what injuries I've done to my internal organs over the years but would like to be around for my kids now that I'm getting older and realize that I'm not bullet prove. Time to start taking care of myself better and I know that AS aren't the safest. I will say it do moderate dosages though. Moderate in my world, compared to what I've done over the past decades.
600 mg week of EQ
300-600 week of Test Cyp
Is what I plan to do. May even just stay at 300 on the Eq and do it for 6 months to get the body fat gone.
Hard to quite my beer and cheese burgers though. Gonna be a tough fight but its gotta be done. My waist line is just pissing me off!!!!!
Thanks for any feed back.
If you could post some of your stats (Height, Weight, BF% etc...) that would be helpful.

If you are overweight,drinking beer and eating cheeseburgers, anabolic steroids are not for you. Sort your diet out and reconsider at a later date.
Hunter, even though I welcome your criticism, I assure you I am very well educated with diets and AS and know my body better than anyone of you on here. I've experimented with probably more AS than most of the young bucks on this forum which is how I know what works for me and what doesn't. Each persons genetic makeup is completely different and the chemicals that work well on one may do nothing for the next guy. I've had several friends die through out the years from not educating themselves on the effects of AS and other chemicals they put into their bodies which is WHY I am asking for feed back on the SARMS now.
I just let myself go over the last few years do to personal issues and as I posted above I've got my shit back together.
What I said is that it's been hard quitting my bad habits to get back on track. It's very easy to come home from a hard days work and crack open a cold one.

So? Have you had any experience with SARMS Hunter?
i ran the triple stack with test cyp proviron and aroms my first run last year and lost 40ish pounds and 8 inches in my waist and about 15% bf loss that was gw,mk2866 and s4 it was incredible but that was before 677 and rad140 came out. january i started the superman stack with every damn sarm there was and ended up gaining 4 lbs of skelatal muscle and about 4 lbs of clean lean muscle. my diet on this last run wasnt great as i was traveling for damn near the entire time i was on cycle. but i am still pleased with the results. my next run i will run the same and drop the lgd so gw, mk2866,677,sr9009, rad140, and s4. my wife has ran 2 cycles of triple stack as well and has lost a total of 16 lbs and a huge drop in bf%
Thank you ROCK,
So would you recommend running the RAD alone or the entire stack together.
40lbs and 8 inches is off the chart man!
I'm just looking to get back into shape. I don't compete and only do this for myself. Just need to find a safer way to get there because of my age.
I see the age clinics popping up all over the city and they are doing the HRT with test and HGH but the cost is off the chart. I'm pretty sure I can do this on my own.
ya i am not a competitor either just kinda let myself go after retiring from the air force and yes they are great alone but the stacks man are really off the charts if you start small like the triple stack and add sr9009 your endurance and fat burning will be unreal believe me i hate cardio and always have but with the gw and sr i can and sometimes do over an hour. like i said let this soak a little and RickRock or Dylan will set you up with a nice stack with a pct and all of that as well and you will no doubt reach or exceed your goals depending on the work you put in i just turned 45 and i can tell you it aint as easy as it used to be to cut weight and fat lol
Hey bro. I'm similar to you in many respects but a few years older and haven't touched gear since the golden days in the 80's :-). I'm currently running my first cycle in over 25 years - using Rad and Ostarine. I'm going way low dose (2mg on rad and 12.5 on Ostarine ED) because with my age and job responsibilities I do not want to deal with potential sides. I'll be posting a detailed thread on this with blood work - but for now, I just finished my first week and have already seen some great results. Waist is down 3/4 inches and looking more vascular. Pumps towards the end of the week have been great. I also had a noticeable increase in libido. Best of all - I feel fantastic. I seriously have not had the standard joint pain that has plagued me for decades. Best I've felt in about 5 years. So far so good. My advice to you - even though you are very experienced - is do a low dose. You can always ramp up next cycle - but as you and I both know - our bodies become much more sensitive to meds/gear,etc as we get older. Keep us posted bro - I'll be following your results.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
I've been off AS and the gym for over a year, more like almost 2 yrs. Getting things back together now and starting over. I've always been a Test and EQ guy simply because most of the other AS jacked with my anxiety.
Now I'm ready about all these SARMS out there with less sides and want feed back on what you guys think of them.
I want to gain muscle back and burn fat. Don't care about getting huge or strong. To many injuries to try to get there.
I do want to get me 25 year old body back though sooo?
What SARMS have you guys had good results on.
I'm kinda liking the posts on RAD-140?

I do know that I will (have) started a test/Eq stack but would like to move over to something less harmful if the SARMS prove promising.
I'm getting old and don't want my heart to explode on me with AS cycles. I was one of those guys that would stay on for 6-8 months at a time and never use a PST when I came off. Just took the crash when it came......
No telling what injuries I've done to my internal organs over the years but would like to be around for my kids now that I'm getting older and realize that I'm not bullet prove. Time to start taking care of myself better and I know that AS aren't the safest. I will say it do moderate dosages though. Moderate in my world, compared to what I've done over the past decades.
600 mg week of EQ
300-600 week of Test Cyp
Is what I plan to do. May even just stay at 300 on the Eq and do it for 6 months to get the body fat gone.
Hard to quite my beer and cheese burgers though. Gonna be a tough fight but its gotta be done. My waist line is just pissing me off!!!!!
Thanks for any feed back.

My dear bro..I am going to chastise you a bit, and then we get you set up.You stayed on for a mere 6-8 months at a time...yes you are lucky you didn't explode.That is dumb.No pct is dumber.Even more dumbest (how do you like that) is for you to do 600mg test,which is way too high, and then add eq which has been known to cause forms of anxiety in some cases..Plus eq needs to be 800mg and run 16 weeks min.If you go to 300mg eq you are now doing something even more dumbest than ever. No wait...dumbest than more dumb is is to use any gear whilst you have a belly.You will produce more estrogen and it will just love to hang out in your fat belly, and keep you with a pear shape. No cycles until you know your BF is 10% or less...especially at your age. You have lots of things that are wrong and yet claiming to have so much experience. I have a few years on you no A LOT of years on a matter of fact if you look on this forum and find Jake, well he is near 45 now.So I am well old enough to be your father, and I take no meds at all, and run at 7.5%BF...but I also did things methodically. I have done well over 55 cycles..logically and methodically.

Now to get you about no steroids for now? And how about some bloodwork? If your test is very low then we can talk adding test to your sarms cycle. It would help to know your estrogen also. A nice triple stack of sarms. Buy them from sarmx right here. They are top notch and come with the promise of being the best there is. Lets do a 12 week cycle of s4-25mgs a.m. and p.m.---then mk-2866 at 25mg in a.m. Now can you do cardio? If so then add GW at 20mgs 30 mins before your workouts.If you are not working out that day then take it before bed. This will give the kick you are looking for with NO sides. No risk of dad going bye bye.
Now you have posted here for answers and I have given you what you need. The will and discipline to diet and workout hard without fail is a must, and you must dig deep.There you will find your fountain of youth. After your sarms and if you have achieved good results we can talk about a nice sane cycle off aas, but for now put them away.
I wish you the best brother, and post as much as you need to.
Hey brother, I welcome you to our forum here and I think you are in the right place. You have the right mentality to use sarms for your goals instead of AAS, because they certainly do not carry the side effects or suppression of steroids, and you don't have to worry about the health complications either.

I think I have the perfect stack for what you are going for. This stack will help you lose bodyfat, build muscle, strength, endurance, and give you very nice healing and recovery abilities and just make your body feel so much better in general. Here is what I would run bro

You can get everything from

1-12 lgd-4033 10 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg in the p.m.
1-12 GW-510516 (CARDARINE) 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout…
1-12 RAD-140 20mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 SR-9009 30mg per day (5mg dosed 6 times every 2-3 hours)


Clomid 50/25/25/25
GW 20mg per day

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
Hey brother, I welcome you to our forum here and I think you are in the right place. You have the right mentality to use sarms for your goals instead of AAS, because they certainly do not carry the side effects or suppression of steroids, and you don't have to worry about the health complications either.

I think I have the perfect stack for what you are going for. This stack will help you lose bodyfat, build muscle, strength, endurance, and give you very nice healing and recovery abilities and just make your body feel so much better in general. Here is what I would run bro

You can get everything from

1-12 lgd-4033 10 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg in the p.m.
1-12 GW-510516 (CARDARINE) 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout…
1-12 RAD-140 20mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 SR-9009 30mg per day (5mg dosed 6 times every 2-3 hours)


Clomid 50/25/25/25
GW 20mg per day

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)

I was trying to save him some But really money should not get in the way and this would be the absolute best for you,unless you are really strapped. Let me add here that if you do gw and sr together you will find yourself doing way more cardio than you thought possible. That is why I asked if you could do cardio. A lot of guys as they get older do less and less due to injuries over the year. If you can do cardio then rick laid out the perfect stack for you
Rick I can tell you right now I don't have the discipline for all this above. There's no way I have time to carry this medicine chest around with me and do am/pm stuff. I can do am dosing with my coffee, but I run a business that requires me to get out early and be on jobsites all day. When I get home end of day I'm spent so I have to slowly work myself back into the grind and gym seriousness.
I really don't need to drop a boat load of money until the seriousness gets back.
I'm going to do some reading on the SARMS you've listed above to educate myself on them and I'm sure I order some to go with what I have.
Thank you
I'll be in touch
Thank you very much OLD MAN for all the wonderful chastising and name calling. I assure you I'm well aware of the idiotic things I have done in the past. With all the S%*t talking over. I will look into the recommendations of SARMS you have posted above. NO I don't do cardio. I don't have hours to spend in the gym and with all the injuries of other idiotic things I did when I was young man I can't spend much time on a treadmill. I will find a way do get some even if I have to get out and walk stairs.
Thanks for the input.
Look dude your trying to find that magic pill and it's just not there. If your not putting in the discipline and the effort to get where you need to be it's not gonna happen. You can't be eating cheeseburgers, you can't be drinking beer, you must dose it correctly and you gotta train and do cardio. Simple fact dude. You need to see that or your just gonna spin your wheels. There is no magical solution unfortunately.

Now if you can't and your business takes too much time and you just can't do it, that's fine. But don't kid yourself and think there is a seceret way around things, cause there is not. Your just gonna waste your money on sarms and other shit trying. Save the cash and do something cool with it if you really can't get everything together.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Dont take the chastising personal brother its just what we do to get a point across, its because we truly care about peoples safety and health. now cardio you can do the eliptical and walk on the treadmill you dont necesarrily have to sprint of run fast just steady state and you dont have to spend hours in the gym, hit the weights for 30 minutes then cardio for 30 minutes thats it. you can do that and as far as dosing you only have 1 to dose in the afternoon and that is s4 honestly i did the morning and then late afternoon when i got home from work. the sr9009 now is dosed every 2 hours so that is not an option but even then it aint nothing it just becomes a habit. so do some due diligence and research and read logs here and give us some input man join in the convo's
Thanks Rock.

TX if there was a magic pill I would have already invested in their stock,retired and wouldn't be on here talking to you guys but since there isn't and SARMS are the newest thing on the market I'm asking questions on here about it. I'm just talking like a lazy dude. I'll be back in no time. I've been in the gym since I was 15. The last 1.5 yrs is the longest I've ever spent out of the gym but due to circumstances it had to be done. Now I gotta get back on it.
I was trying to save him some But really money should not get in the way and this would be the absolute best for you,unless you are really strapped. Let me add here that if you do gw and sr together you will find yourself doing way more cardio than you thought possible. That is why I asked if you could do cardio. A lot of guys as they get older do less and less due to injuries over the year. If you can do cardio then rick laid out the perfect stack for you

your a good man drb... DRB is EXACTLY RIGHT on what he said about GW and SR being ran together... one of the main reasons i make sure that GW is is generally included in every cycle i lay out is the ability to have maximum output that is provided with GW use... GW takes you to new levels on your training... its the ultimate performance enhancer...
Thanks Rock.

TX if there was a magic pill I would have already invested in their stock,retired and wouldn't be on here talking to you guys but since there isn't and SARMS are the newest thing on the market I'm asking questions on here about it. I'm just talking like a lazy dude. I'll be back in no time. I've been in the gym since I was 15. The last 1.5 yrs is the longest I've ever spent out of the gym but due to circumstances it had to be done. Now I gotta get back on it.

if you need a more simpler protocol of dosing, i have a nice layout for you... this is the mega super stack

1-12 rad140 20 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 lgd-4033 10 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg 4-6 hours later
1-12 GW-510516 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout…
1-12 mk-2866 25 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
9-12 d aspartic acid

Mini pct 13-16

clomid 50/25/25/25
gw-501516 20 mg day
if you need a more simpler protocol of dosing, i have a nice layout for you... this is the mega super stack

1-12 rad140 20 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 lgd-4033 10 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg 4-6 hours later
1-12 GW-510516 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout…
1-12 mk-2866 25 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
9-12 d aspartic acid

Mini pct 13-16

clomid 50/25/25/25
gw-501516 20 mg day

I'm liking to look and what I'm reading on the SARMS.
Which one are you calling SR?
I'm liking to look and what I'm reading on the SARMS.
Which one are you calling SR?

sr9009 or stenabolic. brother i know where you are maybe a little depressio bc you have felt like you are out of control or whatever, believe i was there and this place saved my life last year. and i am blessed and glad to have these guys that actually give a shit about people that they dont know personally it says alot of the type of character Dylan has and surrounds himself with.
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