I've been off AS and the gym for over a year, more like almost 2 yrs. Getting things back together now and starting over. I've always been a Test and EQ guy simply because most of the other AS jacked with my anxiety.
Now I'm ready about all these SARMS out there with less sides and want feed back on what you guys think of them.
I want to gain muscle back and burn fat. Don't care about getting huge or strong. To many injuries to try to get there.
I do want to get me 25 year old body back though sooo?
What SARMS have you guys had good results on.
I'm kinda liking the posts on RAD-140?
I do know that I will (have) started a test/Eq stack but would like to move over to something less harmful if the SARMS prove promising.
I'm getting old and don't want my heart to explode on me with AS cycles. I was one of those guys that would stay on for 6-8 months at a time and never use a PST when I came off. Just took the crash when it came......
No telling what injuries I've done to my internal organs over the years but would like to be around for my kids now that I'm getting older and realize that I'm not bullet prove. Time to start taking care of myself better and I know that AS aren't the safest. I will say it do moderate dosages though. Moderate in my world, compared to what I've done over the past decades.
600 mg week of EQ
300-600 week of Test Cyp
Is what I plan to do. May even just stay at 300 on the Eq and do it for 6 months to get the body fat gone.
Hard to quite my beer and cheese burgers though. Gonna be a tough fight but its gotta be done. My waist line is just pissing me off!!!!!
Thanks for any feed back.
Now I'm ready about all these SARMS out there with less sides and want feed back on what you guys think of them.
I want to gain muscle back and burn fat. Don't care about getting huge or strong. To many injuries to try to get there.
I do want to get me 25 year old body back though sooo?
What SARMS have you guys had good results on.
I'm kinda liking the posts on RAD-140?
I do know that I will (have) started a test/Eq stack but would like to move over to something less harmful if the SARMS prove promising.
I'm getting old and don't want my heart to explode on me with AS cycles. I was one of those guys that would stay on for 6-8 months at a time and never use a PST when I came off. Just took the crash when it came......
No telling what injuries I've done to my internal organs over the years but would like to be around for my kids now that I'm getting older and realize that I'm not bullet prove. Time to start taking care of myself better and I know that AS aren't the safest. I will say it do moderate dosages though. Moderate in my world, compared to what I've done over the past decades.
600 mg week of EQ
300-600 week of Test Cyp
Is what I plan to do. May even just stay at 300 on the Eq and do it for 6 months to get the body fat gone.
Hard to quite my beer and cheese burgers though. Gonna be a tough fight but its gotta be done. My waist line is just pissing me off!!!!!
Thanks for any feed back.