Age: 33
Training: 10y, competing in strongman 3, cycling since July 2017 - 2cycles - Test, and test/deca/winstrol
Also ran an LGD+TRT bridge which went really well, only ended it bc I needed my HDL to recover more before starting new cycle.
BF: 12%
Height: 5'7
Weight: 165
After last cycle I was a little soft, so I dieted down on LGD and shed about 12 lbs, body fat came down nicely. I kept ALL my 177# BW strength while suddenly being at my old 165 weight class. Totally cool.
10-12wk (I like to be able to cut it at 10 if sides are bad or 12 if not)
Test - 350 cyp
Deca - 275 for 5 weeks, 300 for the duration
Anadrol - 75mg/d for 33d
Dianabol - 20mg/d for 33d
Cardarine 20mg/d for the duration
Mildronate 1250mg/d for the duration (not a steroid, google it)
.5mg arimidex twice a week
.25mg caber once a week
Liver Multi, TUDCA, NAC, berberine, fiber, fish oil
Adrol/Dbol combo is something I've wanted to try. The euphoria of dbol is supposed to counter lethargy from Anadrol.
strength and composition improvement
Post cycle dry weight max: 185-188. I need to be able to compete at 175.
Training: 10y, competing in strongman 3, cycling since July 2017 - 2cycles - Test, and test/deca/winstrol
Also ran an LGD+TRT bridge which went really well, only ended it bc I needed my HDL to recover more before starting new cycle.
BF: 12%
Height: 5'7
Weight: 165
After last cycle I was a little soft, so I dieted down on LGD and shed about 12 lbs, body fat came down nicely. I kept ALL my 177# BW strength while suddenly being at my old 165 weight class. Totally cool.
10-12wk (I like to be able to cut it at 10 if sides are bad or 12 if not)
Test - 350 cyp
Deca - 275 for 5 weeks, 300 for the duration
Anadrol - 75mg/d for 33d
Dianabol - 20mg/d for 33d
Cardarine 20mg/d for the duration
Mildronate 1250mg/d for the duration (not a steroid, google it)
.5mg arimidex twice a week
.25mg caber once a week
Liver Multi, TUDCA, NAC, berberine, fiber, fish oil
Adrol/Dbol combo is something I've wanted to try. The euphoria of dbol is supposed to counter lethargy from Anadrol.
strength and composition improvement
Post cycle dry weight max: 185-188. I need to be able to compete at 175.