
3303 + test

R o b o

New member
Ran a great cycle of 500 Primo, 350 Test, with an Anavar kicker at the end.
Im back for mild one.
Im going to run a 12 week cycle of Umbrella 3303 20mg daily. My trt is 125 a week. Do yall see a problem upping the test to like 350 for the sarm cycle?
Thank you in advance
It won't have any effect on the lgd but you really need to check your organs and make sure that they're okay
Thanks, I’m ok on vitals and blood. I ran N2 guard on the primo cycle. Blood work during and after all good even Estrogen using the lower 350 test. Total clean bill of health from doc. Ran sarms with PCT a bunch, just not with a test base. Thanks again
Ran a great cycle of 500 Primo, 350 Test, with an Anavar kicker at the end.
Im back for mild one.
Im going to run a 12 week cycle of Umbrella 3303 20mg daily. My trt is 125 a week. Do yall see a problem upping the test to like 350 for the sarm cycle?
Thank you in advance
How long this cycle
You can bump the test.. its not going to interfere with the lgd at all.. 300 is more than enough test with it if you are intent on bumping it but you really don't need to either.. i would leave it at trt level, that way you are still essentially "off" cycle in terms of if you want to blast again sometime soon, otherwise you are just going to have to wait longer term
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