I know it?s a stupid question but I switched from proven peptides to narrow labz and the bottle says 30ml/20mg and proven peptides I know every 1.0ml is 10mg. So would that mean 3.0ml is 20mg?
narrow labs and proven peptides are both HORRIBLE, ESPECIALLY proven peptides... both have horrible feedback for quite some time and put out bull shit reviews to trick customers... i wouldnt touch any of that shit and you should just email them with your questions
Never used narrow labs but proven peptides is a horrible company. I used there cardarine and sr9009 for a week and had liver toxicity and borderline kidney failure. I'd send everything back and get sarms.forsale products. When esarms was the sponsor i got nothing but legit cardarine. I'd trust this forum 100% when they say a source is bogus or legit. Get a refund from narrow and switch to sarms.forsale