
3 quick questions


I have two quick questions for anyone that can answer them. I'm looking to add some SERIOUS size that's super clean and I want to stack the following all for a 12 week bulk:
rad-140, mk2866, lgd-4033, and mk677, and s4. I'm preparing for a very important competition and I need to be the best I can be. I'm looking to eat at a large surplus I've been training for a long time and I know what I need to do on a cycle and I'm willing to do what it takes. my question now is: will the mk677 give me a hgh gut like exogenous hgh does? and my other question being would it be worth it to have mk-2866 in the mix if it acts the same as lgd does in the muscle gain department, OR will it excell and add more size along with the ligament or injury healing and what not. thanks for any responses!

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mk677 wont give you hgh gut. Running lgd and osta is always a good combo, I always do. Not just from healing, but lgd gives great mass returns.

You should also add gw during cycle.
lgd, rad, osta, gw is my favorite combo. I'm not sure yet whether S4 is doing anything additional for me yet.
first of all, exogenous HGH does not necessarily cause the bubble gut. that is a combination of things. GH + insulin + eating tons of calories which stretches and enlarges the stomach when combined with GH AND insulin. so its a combination. not to mention you wont get a bubble gut unless you run it for a long period of time.

mk677 should not give you a bubble gut unless you are eating like a fat piece of garbage and shooting insulin.

its always better to stack SARMS. I don't know what you mean mk2866 acts the same as LGD in muscle gain?? LGD is more anabolic. LGD is better for mass, and so is RAD. of course stacking SARMS makes it more anabolic and should increase the anabolic effects. so I would keep the mk2866 in there because not only does it help gain more size it helps with joints, so when you start lifting heavier hopefully it will alleviate some of your joint issues/inflammation.
first of all, exogenous HGH does not necessarily cause the bubble gut. that is a combination of things. GH + insulin + eating tons of calories which stretches and enlarges the stomach when combined with GH AND insulin. so its a combination. not to mention you wont get a bubble gut unless you run it for a long period of time.

mk677 should not give you a bubble gut unless you are eating like a fat piece of garbage and shooting insulin.

its always better to stack SARMS. I don't know what you mean mk2866 acts the same as LGD in muscle gain?? LGD is more anabolic. LGD is better for mass, and so is RAD. of course stacking SARMS makes it more anabolic and should increase the anabolic effects. so I would keep the mk2866 in there because not only does it help gain more size it helps with joints, so when you start lifting heavier hopefully it will alleviate some of your joint issues/inflammation.

thank you very much sir that was a very thorough and helpful response!

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