Hey dylan..I'm gonna try and make this short and sweet so I don't bore u to death lol..please bare with me..bro I messed with steroids back in 08 I did two cycles..i was deployed to Afghanistan and they were easy and cheap to get a hold of and everyone else was doing them so I thought it was cool(little did I know)
I did 500 mg of test E and 100 of Decca a week.. I didn't do a pct bro..my libido sucked ass..stupid me bro took a 10 week break and did another cycle blasting 750 mg a week thinking it should help with libido and gains.. it didn't work just got me strong..I did a pct of nolvadex and proviron after 2nd cycle..
Now I'm 31 and I'm on trt..when I was 29 started out with pellets until about 3 weeks ago I switched to royal mens medical ctr
200 mg test cypionate infused with .5mg of anastrozole a week and
500 iu twice a week of hcg..
Libido hasn't been the same ever since 2008..
I was wondering if I get some dostinex would help since I didn't know u have to take it with nandrolones which I never did..I never knew about prolactin and all this until I stumbled across your channel so I'm really excited to know this info I just wanna go the right way about it..any advice would really be appreciated sir..thank you
I did 500 mg of test E and 100 of Decca a week.. I didn't do a pct bro..my libido sucked ass..stupid me bro took a 10 week break and did another cycle blasting 750 mg a week thinking it should help with libido and gains.. it didn't work just got me strong..I did a pct of nolvadex and proviron after 2nd cycle..
Now I'm 31 and I'm on trt..when I was 29 started out with pellets until about 3 weeks ago I switched to royal mens medical ctr
200 mg test cypionate infused with .5mg of anastrozole a week and
500 iu twice a week of hcg..
Libido hasn't been the same ever since 2008..
I was wondering if I get some dostinex would help since I didn't know u have to take it with nandrolones which I never did..I never knew about prolactin and all this until I stumbled across your channel so I'm really excited to know this info I just wanna go the right way about it..any advice would really be appreciated sir..thank you