Starting my 6 months cycle in about a week , I am pretty sure everything is on the point but may need some small corrections....Thx
5'10" 235lbs 11-12%bf
1-22 Test Enanthate 250mg e3d
1-20 Boldenon 400mg e3d
1-6 Tbol 60mg ed
1-12 Lgd4033 20mg ed
1-12 Rad140 20mg ed
11-22 Tren Enanthate 200mg e3d
11-22 Gw501516 20mg ed
11-22 Dostinex 0.5mg e3d
19-24 Winstrol 60mg ed
13-24 S4 50mg ed
1-24 Proviron 50mg ed
1-24 Aromasin 12.5eod
21-24 HCG 500iu e3d
Nolvadex 40/40/40/40/20/20/20/20
Clomid 50/50/50/50/25/25/25/25
Aromasin 12.5mg eod
MK2866 25/25/25/25
gw501516 20mg ed
adding cycle support and organ shield with live 52 thru the whole cycle ....multivitamins and other supplements ( creatine , bcca, glutamine, beta alanine, L-arganine and few more ...did blood work before , will do in mid cycle and after pct.......
5'10" 235lbs 11-12%bf
1-22 Test Enanthate 250mg e3d
1-20 Boldenon 400mg e3d
1-6 Tbol 60mg ed
1-12 Lgd4033 20mg ed
1-12 Rad140 20mg ed
11-22 Tren Enanthate 200mg e3d
11-22 Gw501516 20mg ed
11-22 Dostinex 0.5mg e3d
19-24 Winstrol 60mg ed
13-24 S4 50mg ed
1-24 Proviron 50mg ed
1-24 Aromasin 12.5eod
21-24 HCG 500iu e3d
Nolvadex 40/40/40/40/20/20/20/20
Clomid 50/50/50/50/25/25/25/25
Aromasin 12.5mg eod
MK2866 25/25/25/25
gw501516 20mg ed
adding cycle support and organ shield with live 52 thru the whole cycle ....multivitamins and other supplements ( creatine , bcca, glutamine, beta alanine, L-arganine and few more ...did blood work before , will do in mid cycle and after pct.......