Hi Dylan!
I'm aiming for a clean bulk and I would like to seek advice from you. After watching your videos, I took Testosterone E for my first cycle 3 months ago and for 4 weeks I took the dosage accordingly 0.5ml/0.5ml/1ml/1ml. Since then, i stopped working out for about 2 months due to my really busy school projects. Now I'm planning to start and commit to working out. I need advice on whether I should continue taking Tes E after this long break and stack it with T-bol? Since I've gained fats as well, I was planning on adding cardio for 5 days. I also need advice on the pct as well. Thank you so much!
age: 22
height: 170cm
weight: 66kg
bodyfat: 16-18%
I'm aiming for a clean bulk and I would like to seek advice from you. After watching your videos, I took Testosterone E for my first cycle 3 months ago and for 4 weeks I took the dosage accordingly 0.5ml/0.5ml/1ml/1ml. Since then, i stopped working out for about 2 months due to my really busy school projects. Now I'm planning to start and commit to working out. I need advice on whether I should continue taking Tes E after this long break and stack it with T-bol? Since I've gained fats as well, I was planning on adding cardio for 5 days. I also need advice on the pct as well. Thank you so much!
age: 22
height: 170cm
weight: 66kg
bodyfat: 16-18%