
20ml SALE! MGP Anabolics

Great news!! I have lowered the minimum order to $50. So feel free to get just a few things to top off a cycle.
Great news!! I have lowered the minimum order to $50. So feel free to get just a few things to top off a cycle.

awesome! Your gear is fire based on what i tried so far so this promo should be a hit

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Yeah I know friend loves it so far. He thinks it's doing so much wonders after a week and a half. I jumped on this sale make sure everyone else does too.

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Yeah I know friend loves it so far. He thinks it's doing so much wonders after a week and a half. I jumped on this sale make sure everyone else does too.

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you got to be insane if you don't hop on this Deal, i haven't seen a deal this good on this board in forever.

PHARMACOM Head Board Rep
Worldwide Pharmacom Labs Official Distributor since 2008
100% Shipping Success Rate

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I thought it would be a pretty good sale. It seems to be going good from where my busy ass stands. Nothing brings people out like a good sale. lol But I'm not complaining. Later on, during the holidays I do plan to get my BOGO on.
I thought it would be a pretty good sale. It seems to be going good from where my busy ass stands. Nothing brings people out like a good sale. lol But I'm not complaining. Later on, during the holidays I do plan to get my BOGO on.

Hell yeah! Great sale + great source = busy busy !

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Reminder folks....Just because it's a Big ass sale, orders still go out in less than 48 hours. Fast shipping, whether I'm busy or not.
Keep those orders coming! I still got a lot of 20ml vials to sell. If you order and pay early enough in the day or afternoon, your order will ship out that same day.
Fuck man! I feel like I need to stock up, even though I just ordered some. Daaaamn. I want to read some more about your shit!

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Dude, I want some of the people who have PAID ORDERS to review, but I don't think any of them have been using it long enough to review. I can sell them the gear, ask them to review when able......but I can't force them to do it. I wish I could. lol That would make things here a little easier, and you could make a better informed decision. You'll hear people talk about the free test p I sent out, but that's it. No one else has reviewed yet, but I got time....and I ain't going nowhere bud. Nowhere.
Yeah I noticed there isn't much info. I'm new and posted that comment prior to searching your posts and how long you've been active. Either way, I'll looking forward to some reviews and hopefully ordering in the future! Hoping when I'm ready to order you're reading another absolute FUCKING steal like this. 20ML for that price. Goooooood lawwwwwd.

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This sale ends this Friday at 11:59pm. But even after that, I'll still be right here. I'm just trying to push my little ball around this playground....get in here and make a good name for myself. I'm starting where everybody the bottom. That's cool though. The bottom ain't gonna be my home forever.
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Fuck man! I feel like I need to stock up, even though I just ordered some. Daaaamn. I want to read some more about your shit!

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Friend is using his test prop shits solid trust me and ask tazz. On top of that using his NPP and EQ. Quality ass gear man. I've only pinned the NPP once but it's smooth and pip is next to none. Trust me it works. Stock up on this sale dude. You won't find 20mls for like 50 bucks.
SALE ends at 11:59pm tonight, so lets get those last minute orders in.

And to whom it may concern, when I send payment info, follow through....don't just disappear like you are LE and got some reports to file on my ass. Please don't do that shit again.
SALE ends at 11:59pm tonight, so lets get those last minute orders in.

And to whom it may concern, when I send payment info, follow through....don't just disappear like you are LE and got some reports to file on my ass. Please don't do that shit again.

Someone filed reports on you ? You should talk to dylan about removing that user off this board. We don't condone that

PHARMACOM Head Board Rep
Worldwide Pharmacom Labs Official Distributor since 2008
100% Shipping Success Rate
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