
1st cycle


So I am 24 6'2 230 lbs. I recently put about 30 lbs back on after losing 140. I have some general knowledge of aas. Just unsure what I want to take. Have always heard that test is a good thing to start on, but have also thought about just getting clen or anavar and tgen trying test when i get back to around 200lbs. Just looking for guidance.

Thanks in advance.
If you are looking to steroids to lose weight... you're barking up the wrong tree
Steroids are for people already in top shape... not people wanting to get in shape

You need to commit to a rigorous diet and work out program BEFORE thinking about steroids
Steroids aren't fat burners
Check out sarms... especially SR9009 and GW
Stay away from will cause you a lot of grief
Ive seen alot of people say that about cle, then alot of the opposite. I was in tip top shape about eight months ago till my wife got pregnant but..... Life happens. Im spot on with my diet, been back in the gym now for close to a month, before my hiatus i was a gym rat for three years. I may just have a misconception, but im unsure about sarms. Seems to me if im going to do something it may aswell be the real deal. I understand that aas are not fat burners, but muscle does burn fat.
I dont mind heat, im asking trying to gain info to better myself and am thankful for anyone who can lend good advice
Come on posting in the right place to ask questions instead of source page.... get the-shit-right-o'clock!
So I am 24 6'2 230 lbs. I recently put about 30 lbs back on after losing 140. I have some general knowledge of aas. Just unsure what I want to take. Have always heard that test is a good thing to start on, but have also thought about just getting clen or anavar and tgen trying test when i get back to around 200lbs. Just looking for guidance.

Thanks in advance.

I'm sorry bud, you are not even close to being ready for steroids. You grind 30 lbs back and have been in the gym a whopping month. You haven't done anything to make yourself in the right condition. What is your age and what is your bodyfat at? What does your diet actually look like? You have competed the wrong idea here about what steroids do, and you are nowhere near ready to use them.

Sarms are a better alternative for you, and they are the "real deal" as you put it. Some sarms are actual fat burners unlike steroids, so not only are they saf for you to use, but they are actually more effective for what you are trying to do

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
GW/SR9009/S4/mk2866/mk677 is what I would recommend. Steroids can be utilized later when you're ready to bulk up and have exhausted your natural potential for anabolism. Sarmsx will set you up brother.

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Il educate myself better on sarms. Never looked into them too much. Last i checked i was 22% bf. I have been in the gym for about 3 years aside from being a lazy pos for the last 8 months. I actually went from 330 lbs to 195-200 and am now back to 230. I understand that right now steroids are not right for me. Just trying to surround my self with knowledge so that when I am ready i will know what is good.
Il educate myself better on sarms. Never looked into them too much. Last i checked i was 22% bf. I have been in the gym for about 3 years aside from being a lazy pos for the last 8 months. I actually went from 330 lbs to 195-200 and am now back to 230. I understand that right now steroids are not right for me. Just trying to surround my self with knowledge so that when I am ready i will know what is good.

You'll find all the info you need right here on this site, and if you'd like I can help set you up a good sarms cycle that will work great for you

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
So I am 24 6'2 230 lbs. I recently put about 30 lbs back on after losing 140. I have some general knowledge of aas. Just unsure what I want to take. Have always heard that test is a good thing to start on, but have also thought about just getting clen or anavar and tgen trying test when i get back to around 200lbs. Just looking for guidance.

Thanks in advance.

steroids are not fat burners. I wouldn't advise using Clen either, its dangerous and it is not meant for fat burning.
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