
1st cycle at 30

what can you recommend? test an vinny then?

by the way, i appreciate any feedback.

Test only brother. You don't need to be using an oral for your first go. Start at level 1, not level 3. What's always the best place to start something? Of course, at the beginning. Test only is the beginning. Winny nor var will burn your fat off like you're thinking.
Brother in that kind of shape, you need to stay far away from steroids. You are not in any condition to run them right now. Steroids are not fat burners anyways. You really need to get your diet lined out and in order. I saw what you posted and you need a better structure. Check out my diet thread

My best recommendation to you is to run a good sarms stack to help you burn fat. You'll also be able to build muscle and strength with this stack as well. It's very effective and perfect for your goals.

This is the layout. Get everything from

1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg in the p.m.
1-12 GW-510516 (CARDARINE) 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout…
1-12 mk-2866 25 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 SR-9009 30mg per day (5mg dosed 6 times every 2-3 hours)


Clomid 50/25/25/25
GW 20mg per day

run a good sarms stack if you

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
Hey man, did you say you've been in a calorie deficit (cut) for 5 years? Have you been eating at 2000 cal per day for 5 years? That could be the problem, may want to reverse diet back up to maintenance, hang there for awhile then go back into a 500cal/day deficit. I had to do this several times to go from 24% down to 10%. Prolonged periods in a calorie deficit will cause Test levels to drop and other issues. Just a thought.

to be honest, it might sound funny, but lately i thought that i might be in "starvation mode", but then ever i up my cals, so i start to gain fat, so i reduce it again.. also i been working hard physical work at factory for last 4 years, it might raise stress hormones too, but quit the job for a while now..
there is no way you can run steroids in your current condition... judging from your picture, your body fat may be over 20%... thats NOT steroid condition whatsoever... noone with any sort of common sense would have you using steroids right now, not until your in the proper condition...

understand that the "bike" burns very very little in the calorie department... you can ride at an extremely rapid pace for 30 minutes and not burn shit... a couple hundred calories... you need to really switch things up... start training 4-5 days a week and doing cardio at least 4... if you want all of these goals, you have to go get them... what your doing now is clearly not working as you can see... if you dont change this up, you will never get to where you want... i would strongly suggest starting with sarms right now to enhance your weight loss without sacrificing muscle... heres a cutting stack for you that i would run... you can get everything at

1-12 sr9009 30 mg day... 5 mg split doses 2-3 hours apart
1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg 4-6 hours later
1-12 GW-510516 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout…
1-12 mk-2866 25 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
9-12 d aspartic acid

Mini pct 13-16

clomid 50/25/25/25
gw-501516 20 mg day
hej Dylan,

as i said, i do 3 times a week weight lifting, the workout is intense, i have only 1 min rest between sets on timer.
CARDIO: i do HIIT 2 times a week (rounds/circles with barbell) plus i ride a bike a lot and fast! i believe thats enough for cardio??
DIET: i track my diet on MyFitnessPal, i consume around 170 g protein, 70 g of fat, and around 150 g of carbs ~ 2000 cals a day.
i eat pretty much healthy, no processed foods, smoothies, eggs, ground beef, turkey, fruits, potatoes and such.. try to avoid grains..
yes, i do sometimes refeeds/cheat meals (mcDonalds or some pizza), but that happen once in 2 weeks, not more..

i know that test is not gonna burn fat.. i think, i am that kind of person that gets fat only by looking at food, lol..
in this constant cut i am running out of my juice, and i have a feeling that there is a lot of stress hormones around then i cut.

the idea of this 10 week cycle is to up the calories just above the maintenance, get the strength back/or up, get some muscle mass(i gain muscle easily) and then in last 5 weeks keep cals at maintenance or in a slight deficit, hoping to get low body fat(visible abs level, not competition level).

so let me raise the question back, what estrogen control? how to use hcg? and what pct according to my age will suit best?

if you still think that i am not ready, so i will cut, hard long cut, but let me know the safety precautions for test p and anavar cycle..

this is me yesterday:

View attachment 1677
View attachment 1678

my regards, Thank you guys in advance.

Bro, your bf is around 20%. Stay away from steroids! Here's a SARM's stack I used when I was in that condition

I would most definitely start with SARMS. You will be amazed at the results you achieve and you should be able to get to a healthy BF% if your eating right and training your ass off.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Dude, you are not listening to what ppl are saying. Reading through posts I felt that you hear only what you want to hear, that's a bad habbit and even more so - suits only to women. Sorry to put it harsh like that, but it's always best to start with the truth right into face and then u can grow from there.

Your diet, doesn't matter how GREAT it is or how great you think it is, it might not be the ideal FOR U. Not that it's a bad diet or always means a bad food/intake, but that particular plan, sometimes even your chosen timing between the types of foods is not for U. D'u see what I'm saying?
(I will go only into diet part, as for AAS, the guys here already mentioned quite a bit of basics what u need to know right now. Just keep reading.)

Your list is not specific. what is "some fruit"? A great bowl every day after day, after day, after day.... will build up sugars, and any excess will be stored as fats. It's best to measure such sensitive things on scales starting with VERY minimum, and building up from there.
THIS is the problem I used to had. It took me time to realise it. I have no problem with fats or dairy what so ever, but fruit is my weak point, I do consume, but with mind. I used to have 2-3 apples a day, ('cause "apple a day keeps doctor away" right?) BUT you need to realise that now adays grocery apples ar not as they were in wildeness or grannys garden, food chanes choose those brands that are sweetest as they taste best, wich means they are overloaded with sugars.
"Bananas and shakes", and carbs in the last meal, -do you burn it all with 3day workouts?, and some ppl is better keeping carbs in the first part of the day, when they use most of their energy, and some protein rich foods and some healthy fats at the end of the day. Some ppl, their lifestyle/rhythm again are oposite. Have you found out to which group u belong? Your diet is far from sorted, before blaming anything random else. Even with your fitness schedule you should look better. UNLESS you have any abnormal or birth heath problem u can't control. But that strong type of issue we are mostly aware in our selfs.
SO time to check DIET. Guys here pointed that out stright away in the first posts.

Lifting on empty stomach for example might not be for u. I wont go into details to it, u can find info by searching, I think even here someone posted a thread about something similar. Again, it might work for some, it might be counterproductive for u.
You mentioned work, stress. Well here u go. Stress can cause to store fats just as bigest Mc'Donalds meals all day, everyday. Before blaming anything else, start with most obvious things, get rid of them as much as your life let's u, give it a go (not a week) for a few months + consistency and then judge from there next steps - your diet etc. With 20% or over bf - IF (if) you would have health issues later down the road u would probably blame AAS. No man, you are the one in control, everything that fallows is a reslut of your decisions. Over your condition at that time and place etc. Even with ASS, they alone wont make u a rock mountain without a diet appropiate to your goals. Good cycles, as far as I always had read, and studied, and read, and read and ppl with experience and knowledge still teach -best results with AAS are in synergy with spot on diet. +Consistency. period.
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Dude, you are not listening to what ppl are saying. Reading through posts I felt that you hear only what you want to hear, that's a bad habbit and even more so - suits only to women. Sorry to put it harsh like that, but it's always best to start with the truth right into face and then u can grow from there.

Your diet, doesn't matter how GREAT it is or how great you think it is, it might not be the ideal FOR U. Not that it's a bad diet or always means a bad food/intake, but that particular plan, sometimes even your chosen timing between the types of foods is not for U. D'u see what I'm saying?
(I will go only into diet part, as for ASS, the guys here already mentioned quite a bit of basics what u need to know right now. Just keep reading.)

Your list is not specific. what is "some fruit"? A great bowl every day after day, after day, after day.... will build up sugars, and any excess will be stored as fats. It's best to measure such sensitive things on scales starting with VERY minimum, and building up from there.
THIS is the problem I used to had. It took me time to realise it. I have no problem with fats or dairy what so ever, but fruit is my weak point, I do consume, but with mind. I used to have 2-3 apples a day, ('cause "apple a day keeps doctor away" right?) BUT you need to realise that now adays grocery apples ar not as they were in wildeness or grannys garden, food chanes choose those brands that are sweetest as they taste best, wich means they are overloaded with sugars.
"Bananas and shakes", and carbs in the last meal, -do you burn it all with 3day workouts?, and some ppl is better keeping carbs in the first part of the day, when they use most of their energy, and some protein rich foods and some healthy fats at the end of the day. Some ppl, their lifestyle/rhythm again are oposite. Have you found out to which group u belong? Your diet is far from sorted, before blaming anything random else. Even with your fitness schedule you should look better. UNLESS you have any abnormal or birth heath problem u can't control. But that strong type of issue we are mostly aware in our selfs.
SO time to check DIET. Guys here pointed that out stright away in the first posts.

Lifting on empty stomach for example might not be for u. I wont go into details to it, u can find info by searching, I think even here someone posted a thread about something similar. Again, it might work for some, it might be counterproductive for u.
You mentioned work, stress. Well here u go. Stress can cause to store fats just as bigest Mc'Donalds meals all day, everyday. Before blaming anything else, start with most obvious things, get rid of them as much as your life let's u, give it a go (not a week) for a few months + consistency and then judge from there next steps - your diet etc. With 20% or over bf - IF (if) you would have health issues later down the road u would probably blame AAS. No man, you are the one in control, everything that fallows is a reslut of your decisions. Over your condition at that time and place etc. Even with ASS, they alone wont make u a rock mountain without a diet appropiate to your goals. Good cycles, as far as I always had read, and studied, and read, and read and ppl with experience and knowledge still teach -best results with AAS are in synergy with spot on diet. +Consistency. period.

well, thats a strong and good response, but i dont really know what to say.. you put everything in there..

firstly, i seek longevity in my diet and training.. so i found out that i have to eat carbs, even though i am endomorph.. you are right, i have to play with carbs and fats and find the best timing for me, that works for me.. by the way, i am not eating bowls of fruit..

and i DO listen for the feedback, and i am DELAYING my cycle..

it would be nice if some people who had difficulties to loose fat , would share their techniques and give some DIET advice.

i have tryed keto for months, and pissed on those keto sticks few times a day, and i didnt see those ketones there, (and yes, i was very strict) so keto falls off.. intermittent fasting also tested for months, didnt make a sence, just slows down already slow metabolism..

any other??
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