i am 17 years old and i take lgd 4033 since 2 days 10mg ed
will this fuck my test up?
i want to do a 8-12week cycle depends on suppression.
pct is clomid 50/25/25/25
dont want to get testicles shrinky and shutdown etc
i mean gemelli always say SLIGHT suppression and with 17 years my body should produce a ton of test in a pct
also if i dont continue to take lgd 4033, i dont need to take clomid, do i? i mean 2 days is not that much and my test levels shouldnt be affected yet
i wish you nice gainz in 2017
i am 17 years old and i take lgd 4033 since 2 days 10mg ed
will this fuck my test up?
i want to do a 8-12week cycle depends on suppression.
pct is clomid 50/25/25/25
dont want to get testicles shrinky and shutdown etc
i mean gemelli always say SLIGHT suppression and with 17 years my body should produce a ton of test in a pct
also if i dont continue to take lgd 4033, i dont need to take clomid, do i? i mean 2 days is not that much and my test levels shouldnt be affected yet
i wish you nice gainz in 2017
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