
17 years old LGD 4033, 8-12weeks , pct with clomid 50/25/25/25


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i am 17 years old and i take lgd 4033 since 2 days 10mg ed
will this fuck my test up?

i want to do a 8-12week cycle depends on suppression.

pct is clomid 50/25/25/25

dont want to get testicles shrinky and shutdown etc

i mean gemelli always say SLIGHT suppression and with 17 years my body should produce a ton of test in a pct

also if i dont continue to take lgd 4033, i dont need to take clomid, do i? i mean 2 days is not that much and my test levels shouldnt be affected yet

i wish you nice gainz in 2017
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Hey Man, the most likely answer you will get on this is that you are probably too young to do any sort of cycle but I will leave it to the OG experts on this
At 17 years old you shouldn't be using anything hormonal at all, including sarms.

Where did you get your sarms?

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
"Where did you get your sarms?"

Well im chinese and a friend of my uncle has a factory that is specialized on producing sarms.

"At 17 years old you shouldn't be using anything hormonal at all, including sarms."

already took 2 doses a 10mg, it should be ok if i leave it like that and just dont continue, no need for clomi?
"Where did you get your sarms?"

Well im chinese and a friend of my uncle has a factory that is specialized on producing sarms.

"At 17 years old you shouldn't be using anything hormonal at all, including sarms."

already took 2 doses a 10mg, it should be ok if i leave it like that and just dont continue, no need for clomi?
Yes, I would just stop everything right now bro. If you do that you'll be fine. You don't want to mess with your endocrine system being that young, and with that source it's hard telling what you are actually getting. It could be very suppressive and toxic prohormones that will shut you down

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
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