you are in so far over your head, i dont know where to start but you my friend, you are going to be one that just has to learn the hard way... [FONT="]i would not advise you to use steroids if you paid me a million dollars.. yes, you can make your own choices but im certainly not contributing to someone ruining your life... listen man, i get THOUSANDS of questions per day and I have been doing this a long time and have seen it all... i think i know what happens to guys that use steroids your age and you know what, its never good, not at all... you are gong to learn a very very severe and lifelong lesson that i have a feeling you dont want to encounter... you are too young to be using ANYTHING bro... be smart, don't be a fool and learn the hard way...
[FONT="]The problems with individuals that had not yet attained full physio-sexual development, is that that anabolic compounds are acting on locations within the central nervous system that are still under development. That is, that many receptors that are activated by Testosterone are STILL performing developmental functions, and you are stimulating them before they had the chance to fully create a working framework of hormonal balance that would sustain you for the rest of your adult life...[/FONT]