View attachment 3313And when people really need me, I do not mind! But it bother me a lot when people come in from doing really stupid shit? This kid come in from a motorcycle accident still wearing helmet and with two buddies helping him walk. Plastic bag and towel around left foot. I can not wait to hear this, right? He says he was in hurry, put on his helmet and gloves before he realise he forgot his riding boots!! So he jump onto motorcycle trying to catch up with friends wearing flip flops on his feet when he had to try and avoid accident and when he put his left foot down? It curled up under motorcycle because flip flop pulled his foot under this bike and broke it when he lay it down on the side!
All 5 metatarsal bones bent up and backward and toes still attach to tissue, but bones? Yeah, they are all broken, genius! And foot of yous? Daaa! Is split in two! No worries! Fist I straighten you foot into natural position, but is going to hurt!! Then put you on Computed Tomography Scan and see how bad it is! Oh and that being in a hurry? You will have lot of time now! You are not walking on this for 2 months at least!
Carolina Linemans boots with steel shanks and toe cap? Excellent riding gear, for about $200! And another brain child genius goes off to OR and then ICU!!!!