
10mg ostarine for 4 months

several things...

1. 10 mg is LESS than a female dose and will do next to nothing for you

2. even at a lower dose, staying on longer term is pointless and senseless and there is no supporting data of that being safe in any way whatsoever

3. ostarine absolutely does NOT need any kind of "test base" whatsoever
I have take ostarine maybe not the best quality because Im in mexico, I had 25mg per day with cardarine for 3 months, and I experimented a sever testosterone drop, so for what Im reading, maybe it was not ostarine?
Osterine can cause suppression even tho they say it’s mild it can still cause issues. I got suppression issues 4 weeks into my Osta cycle and had to use chlomid 3 times a week to counter balance the effects. Still loved the cycle tho.
I have take ostarine maybe not the best quality because Im in mexico, I had 25mg per day with cardarine for 3 months, and I experimented a sever testosterone drop, so for what Im reading, maybe it was not ostarine?
Ostarine is mildly suppressive at 25 mg per day.. That does not sound indicative of real ostarine to have a drastic drop in testosterone
Hey guys, I realize this threat is kind of old now, but basically I decided to throw away this bottle of ostarinne after 2 days.
Yes, you read right, after two days.
Why? Well, I struggled so hard to get my peanuts back to normal size with decent amount of juice coming out of them, and I instantly felt the different after taking them for two days.
I think as a very fist cycle it wouldn't have been so instant, but I was very suppressed just a couple of month ago.

I'm "natural again" (nothing that suppresses any endogenous production) since 20+ weeks now (except for the two days of ostarine) and GOD do I feel blessed to have my ba*** somewhat back to normal size again and cu**ing too.

I'm now on Fadogia and some good old creatin, zinc, etc.
Damn man there no way you would notice an increase in testicle size in two day and there now way you were suppressed after two days of Osterine. I think this was all mental.
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