
1 year and some months out cycle

Weeks 1-16 1g test cyp
Weeks 1-16 1g eq
Weeks 1-6 anadrol 50mg ed.
Weeks 10-16 dbol idk what you have but I would keep it conservative....

Peptides and insulin with this will be insane dude. Idk if you have ran insulin. But it is extreame dangerous but it's also extreame effective.... I'd keep.all that in line with your bulk. I don't run peptides but I do run insulin.

Again this is how I would do it. Not necessarily the way you HAVE to do it. I take a more conservative approach to AAS use. It doesn't take much if everything else is in place...

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I like this, I'll do some research. I'm really excited with this insulin run, bought humalog because I feel like it'd be easier to use than the novolin I bought. What can I expect from it/how many ius did you get up to?

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Cut... gonna go in reverse here
Weeks 14-2 1g test prop.
Weeks 14-0 100mg NPP EOD
Weeks 14-0 1g tren EW. Ace or E. Don't matter.
Weeks 10-0 100mg proviron
Weeks 6-0 60-80mg anavar
Weeks 6-0 50mg winstrol
Weeks 2-0 10mg halotestin

Now if you can add it I suggest you get mast too for the last 6 weeks out.

Run it weeks 6-1. You also gotta be carefull not to show evidence of heavy injecting. Some guys stop Injectables all together on the last week.

I would also do a dyazide blast day before and day of contest.

2 days out your gonna want to really dry your shit out. Basically you will drop your water intake significantly and every few hours you will eat a half a cup of granola. It can't be digested without water. What that's gonna do is pull any water it can get from your body to try and digest it. Tricks your body into dehydrating itself.

When I say dyazide, stick to that if your gonna run diuretics. Much safer than lasix. It's potassium sparing.

As you can see the orals are heavy too. No I don't run fucking N2gurad.... lol. run TUDCA NAC and UDCA. If you wanna add n2 guard on top of that you can but the bullshit they tell you about that being all you need is a joke! You need the heavy hitters on this run.

Now AI.... well I don't use adex so I can't help there. I use aromasin. You will want to take whatever yon are using weather it be aromasin or adex and transition it to letro 2 weeks out. This will also help you come in dry as hell.

Again this is what I would do. Not the mandatory....

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Re: RE: Re: 1 year and some months out cycle

Serpent said:
Weeks 1-16 1g test cyp
Weeks 1-16 1g eq
Weeks 1-6 anadrol 50mg ed.
Weeks 10-16 dbol idk what you have but I would keep it conservative....

Peptides and insulin with this will be insane dude. Idk if you have ran insulin. But it is extreame dangerous but it's also extreame effective.... I'd keep.all that in line with your bulk. I don't run peptides but I do run insulin.

Again this is how I would do it. Not necessarily the way you HAVE to do it. I take a more conservative approach to AAS use. It doesn't take much if everything else is in place...

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I like this, I'll do some research. I'm really excited with this insulin run, bought humalog because I feel like it'd be easier to use than the novolin I bought. What can I expect from it/how many ius did you get up to?

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I never go above 12 iu. Dude that's death your playing with lol. No joke. Humalog is scary cause it's fast acting. No room for error.

Novolin you can fuck around on a bit more. It's not as potent or as fast acting. I use this. I went hypo wen I got stuck in traffic one time. Gotta be prepared for anything man. Start stocking up on emergency gummy bears haha. Never know when your gonna stare death in the face with that stuff.

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I'm looking into your posing thing btw. Not familiar with your district but I will let you know what I find.

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I'm gonna start instructing myself here soon. Could always give you pointers where I can. Idk what John Holywood is doing for you but if you ever just wanna run something by for a second opinion I obviously would never charge you a dime if you ever wanna skype me or something for advice.

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Novolin is what I'll be using but iv got both because I had it. Be safe with it man, and just remember to eat size and mass comes with food. I wanted to get big bigger than I was so I started putting the food away, just that has done amazing for me.

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Shit man you are coming through for me! I haven't considered my prep cycle yet, didn't even think of the whole injection marks I usually just hit my quads. Might split up my gear but I feel like running tren on a bulk would be easier on me mentally than running it on a contest prep diet. Also looking forward to test prop. As for the humalog I've got plenty of safety nets, informed the gf about it and she'll carry around some sugary goods. I need more research on liver guards, and diuretics. Heard the diuretics weren't needed if you come in lean enough, and some stuff about water cutting being a myth. I hear legit mast is hard to come by now a days too

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I'm gonna start instructing myself here soon. Could always give you pointers where I can. Idk what John Holywood is doing for you but if you ever just wanna run something by for a second opinion I obviously would never charge you a dime if you ever wanna skype me or something for advice.

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Once I get my computer set up dude for sure brother

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Re: RE: Re: 1 year and some months out cycle

Serpent said:
Shit man you are coming through for me! I haven't considered my prep cycle yet, didn't even think of the whole injection marks I usually just hit my quads. Might split up my gear but I feel like running tren on a bulk would be easier on me mentally than running it on a contest prep diet. Also looking forward to test prop. As for the humalog I've got plenty of safety nets, informed the gf about it and she'll carry around some sugary goods. I need more research on liver guards, and diuretics. Heard the diuretics weren't needed if you come in lean enough, and some stuff about water cutting being a myth. I hear legit mast is hard to come by now a days too

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Diuretics can be quite dangerous. A lot of guys use lasix. Dyazide is much safer. It just depends. I hold water in my lower back for some reason latly and it's probably going to be necessary for me. We will see. I have a shit ton to dyazide coming if you decide you ever need it. Just really important to have someone with you that knows exactly what they are doing.

Prep cycle is what takes the most planning absolutly no room for error or anything.

As for the slin youl be fine I'm sure. Just have to know the dangers. going hypo feels kinda like your drunk.

Legit mast is not to hard to get. Just gotta know the right sources. personally I would go with legitbolics on not sure if Xeno will get mast otherwise I'd go with him. Hipo might have it too. Definitly places you can find it.

Dropping your injections helps hid the visibility of it. You wouldn't believe what shows under those lights man. As long as your not swelling up though your fine.

The drop of test is to help with water depletion. Test, even propinate will cause you to retain water. Plus it aromatizes. You wanna drop it a week or two before your show. No need for it anyway since your androgens are so high.

I like tren on a cut. It goes well on anything. It brings some freak of nature qualities though when you diet.

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Achilles87 said:
Novolin is what I'll be using but iv got both because I had it. Be safe with it man, and just remember to eat size and mass comes with food. I wanted to get big bigger than I was so I started putting the food away, just that has done amazing for me.

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I spent most of my life being a fat kid man haha putting away food is a benefit without a doubt

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Serpent said:
What'sup AR. Formally introducing myself, was an active member on Evo (lol) and still on meso. Came here when I was talking to xeno. Got an upcoming cycle and I wanted to share it with you all. Won't be starting til around middle sept but if a log is wanted I could try makin one out for yall. Stuff in the cabinet that I've got to work with- npp, eq, tren a, test c, anadrol, winny, dbol, proviron, humalog, ghrp 6 and igf lr3. Letro, adex, and nolva on hand all pharma.

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Welcome to adrenaline rush brother... its great to have you here!

that's quite an impressive stash you have to say the least... I like TX TERROR's methodology and approach to what to do in terms of the initial bulk followed by the cut but i would probably approach it different in terms of what you are actually using and when.... have you decided yet or at least drawn up what your thinking and perhaps i can shed my insight if you would like
Serpent said:
RickRock said:
Serpent said:
RickRock said:
I'm very happy to see you over here at AR brother, and away from that shithole EVO. A lot of us left that place and we're happy to get away from there and all of their BS. You won't find any of that crap here. We treat everyone here with respect, and treat all our members here as family. I literally haven't banned a single person other than spammers. You won't see any altered posts or reviews, and any censorship on giving your opinions of things. We encourage a positive atmosphere that everyone can enjoy, and speak their mind. It's also a great place to learn and get the best help and advice you'll find anywhere.

We are glad to have you here, and if I can help you with anything just let me know!
Thanks for the welcome Rick, I've seen your name pop up a lot back in the day when I was googling all my research haha. I guess right now I was hoping for some critiques on my physique and how I'll be positioned for a bodybuilding show next year November

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I think you are in a good place with your physique, and you are in pretty decent shape. I don't see any reason you couldn't compete, and I don't know what class you are thinking of doing, but I would strongly suggest entering physique. I think you could do well there if you came into the show with the right conditioning. for now, I would concentrate on trying to gain a bit more size while in this offseason timeframe, and try to maintain a good state of leanness. That way when it comes time to start prep at around 12-16 weeks out you are in a good place to start without having to cut a lot. That is a big thing for prep, and will make it much easier on you mentally as well as physically
This offseason is a big one for me. I want to switch over to bodybuilding and not physique. Will do a physique show if I'm more inclined to win when the time comes; I just find bodybuilding so much cooler haha. I'm cutting it up before my cycle, it's a hefty one, I'll list it here
20 weeks
1-20 1g test c
1-20 1g eq
1-? 50mg tren ace ed
1-20 npp 100 eod ( I do better on npp than deca )
1-4 50mg anadrol
4-8 100mg anadrol
Pharma letro/nolva/adex on hand (would like opinions on how to dose adex)
Igf1 lr3 and ghrp 6
Better believe I'm going to be shoveling calories down after I reverse diet for a bit. I've got some goodies laying around like test no ester, winstrol, proviron, dbol, and anavar. Do you think this could push me into the bodybuilding phase? That's the goal of this cycle honestly

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Honestly in my opinion, you are taking too many drugs and expecting too much from this bulk cycle. It will certainly be effective but, I just think it's too much, and there comes a point of diminished returns where all this extra gear really isn't going to do a damn thing for you. One thing I would drop during the bulk is the Tren. I don't like to mix nandrolones (never have myself to be honest), and Tren can kill appetite which you don't want when bulking. Save that for a prep drug where it really works it's magic. I can't stand behind the insulin use whatsoever. I would never ever touch that shit unless I was competing for a living, and even then the risk really isn't worth it. Besides that, it's one of the reasons physiques today look like complete shit with distended guts and increasing waistlines.

TX TERROR has given you some great advice in this thread, that I have read through. A lot of what I practice myself as a competitor.

If I were you, I would still consider physique for your first show. You will have a much better chance at winning in that class than bodybuilding right now. I've seen the pics you posted, but what are your current stats for height and weight, as an idea what weight class you would look at. That's another thing that impacts that decision. If you are a taller guy, you are going to have a hell of a hard time in bodybuilding against guys that carry a lot of mass. Physique is perfect to get your feet wet into competing. The prep is the same so you learn a lot in that regard, but you don't have to throw as much at yourself all at once with posing, etc. because physique just does quarter turns and you are done. No posing routine to memorize, etc. just one less thing to worry about. Until you get a good substantial amount of mass on your frame I think that is the best option. In another year or two, you could be in a great place for bodybuilding, but I just don't see it being realistic expectations to gain that much muscle in a cycle. It doesn't matter how much shit you run, in the end myostatin always wins and the gains stall. It's all part of the game. This is a marathon and not a sprint buddy
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