
1 year and some months out cycle

When he said that about my advice I just wanted to be like man my arm is bigger than your leg so I guess lifting heavy has worked for me lol.

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Posting up some pictures of myself so I can get some feedback for being a year out, first pic is me contest prepping completely natty. Next ones are of me now, after gyno surgery

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I'm very happy to see you over here at AR brother, and away from that shithole EVO. A lot of us left that place and we're happy to get away from there and all of their BS. You won't find any of that crap here. We treat everyone here with respect, and treat all our members here as family. I literally haven't banned a single person other than spammers. You won't see any altered posts or reviews, and any censorship on giving your opinions of things. We encourage a positive atmosphere that everyone can enjoy, and speak their mind. It's also a great place to learn and get the best help and advice you'll find anywhere.

We are glad to have you here, and if I can help you with anything just let me know!
RickRock said:
I'm very happy to see you over here at AR brother, and away from that shithole EVO. A lot of us left that place and we're happy to get away from there and all of their BS. You won't find any of that crap here. We treat everyone here with respect, and treat all our members here as family. I literally haven't banned a single person other than spammers. You won't see any altered posts or reviews, and any censorship on giving your opinions of things. We encourage a positive atmosphere that everyone can enjoy, and speak their mind. It's also a great place to learn and get the best help and advice you'll find anywhere.

We are glad to have you here, and if I can help you with anything just let me know!
Thanks for the welcome Rick, I've seen your name pop up a lot back in the day when I was googling all my research haha. I guess right now I was hoping for some critiques on my physique and how I'll be positioned for a bodybuilding show next year November

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Serpent said:
RickRock said:
I'm very happy to see you over here at AR brother, and away from that shithole EVO. A lot of us left that place and we're happy to get away from there and all of their BS. You won't find any of that crap here. We treat everyone here with respect, and treat all our members here as family. I literally haven't banned a single person other than spammers. You won't see any altered posts or reviews, and any censorship on giving your opinions of things. We encourage a positive atmosphere that everyone can enjoy, and speak their mind. It's also a great place to learn and get the best help and advice you'll find anywhere.

We are glad to have you here, and if I can help you with anything just let me know!
Thanks for the welcome Rick, I've seen your name pop up a lot back in the day when I was googling all my research haha. I guess right now I was hoping for some critiques on my physique and how I'll be positioned for a bodybuilding show next year November

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I think you are in a good place with your physique, and you are in pretty decent shape. I don't see any reason you couldn't compete, and I don't know what class you are thinking of doing, but I would strongly suggest entering physique. I think you could do well there if you came into the show with the right conditioning. for now, I would concentrate on trying to gain a bit more size while in this offseason timeframe, and try to maintain a good state of leanness. That way when it comes time to start prep at around 12-16 weeks out you are in a good place to start without having to cut a lot. That is a big thing for prep, and will make it much easier on you mentally as well as physically
Re: RE: Re: 1 year and some months out cycle

Serpent said:
RickRock said:
I'm very happy to see you over here at AR brother, and away from that shithole EVO. A lot of us left that place and we're happy to get away from there and all of their BS. You won't find any of that crap here. We treat everyone here with respect, and treat all our members here as family. I literally haven't banned a single person other than spammers. You won't see any altered posts or reviews, and any censorship on giving your opinions of things. We encourage a positive atmosphere that everyone can enjoy, and speak their mind. It's also a great place to learn and get the best help and advice you'll find anywhere.

We are glad to have you here, and if I can help you with anything just let me know!
Thanks for the welcome Rick, I've seen your name pop up a lot back in the day when I was googling all my research haha. I guess right now I was hoping for some critiques on my physique and how I'll be positioned for a bodybuilding show next year November

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Serpent if you have questions give me a shout. That's plenty of time but prep is hard hard work. Il pm you who I am. Not ready to fully transition here. Not smoothly at least lol.

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Serpent said:
"RickRock" said:
I'm very happy to see you over here at AR brother, and away from that shithole EVO. A lot of us left that place and we're happy to get away from there and all of their BS. You won't find any of that crap here. We treat everyone here with respect, and treat all our members here as family. I literally haven't banned a single person other than spammers. You won't see any altered posts or reviews, and any censorship on giving your opinions of things. We encourage a positive atmosphere that everyone can enjoy, and speak their mind. It's also a great place to learn and get the best help and advice you'll find anywhere.

We are glad to have you here, and if I can help you with anything just let me know!
Thanks for the welcome Rick, I've seen your name pop up a lot back in the day when I was googling all my research haha. I guess right now I was hoping for some critiques on my physique and how I'll be positioned for a bodybuilding show next year November

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Serpent if you have questions give me a shout. That's plenty of time but prep is hard hard work. Il pm you who I am. Not ready to fully transition here. Not smoothly at least lol.

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Will do man!

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RickRock said:
Serpent said:
RickRock said:
I'm very happy to see you over here at AR brother, and away from that shithole EVO. A lot of us left that place and we're happy to get away from there and all of their BS. You won't find any of that crap here. We treat everyone here with respect, and treat all our members here as family. I literally haven't banned a single person other than spammers. You won't see any altered posts or reviews, and any censorship on giving your opinions of things. We encourage a positive atmosphere that everyone can enjoy, and speak their mind. It's also a great place to learn and get the best help and advice you'll find anywhere.

We are glad to have you here, and if I can help you with anything just let me know!
Thanks for the welcome Rick, I've seen your name pop up a lot back in the day when I was googling all my research haha. I guess right now I was hoping for some critiques on my physique and how I'll be positioned for a bodybuilding show next year November

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I think you are in a good place with your physique, and you are in pretty decent shape. I don't see any reason you couldn't compete, and I don't know what class you are thinking of doing, but I would strongly suggest entering physique. I think you could do well there if you came into the show with the right conditioning. for now, I would concentrate on trying to gain a bit more size while in this offseason timeframe, and try to maintain a good state of leanness. That way when it comes time to start prep at around 12-16 weeks out you are in a good place to start without having to cut a lot. That is a big thing for prep, and will make it much easier on you mentally as well as physically
This offseason is a big one for me. I want to switch over to bodybuilding and not physique. Will do a physique show if I'm more inclined to win when the time comes; I just find bodybuilding so much cooler haha. I'm cutting it up before my cycle, it's a hefty one, I'll list it here
20 weeks
1-20 1g test c
1-20 1g eq
1-? 50mg tren ace ed
1-20 npp 100 eod ( I do better on npp than deca )
1-4 50mg anadrol
4-8 100mg anadrol
Pharma letro/nolva/adex on hand (would like opinions on how to dose adex)
Igf1 lr3 and ghrp 6
Better believe I'm going to be shoveling calories down after I reverse diet for a bit. I've got some goodies laying around like test no ester, winstrol, proviron, dbol, and anavar. Do you think this could push me into the bodybuilding phase? That's the goal of this cycle honestly

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Is that your cycle up till show date? If so I'm gonna recommend you change a few things.

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The gear wint be what dictates your transition to bodybuilding. That will come from your diet and training for sure. Think of steroids as a a gateway that allows what passes through to be outputted accordingly.

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The gear wint be what dictates your transition to bodybuilding. That will come from your diet and training for sure. Think of steroids as a a gateway that allows what passes through to be outputted accordingly.

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You're right on that, it is a question with way too many variables. I guess my question would be something along the lines of is it a realistic goal? Not running it for the year just 20 weeks, cycling something's like the peptides and slin. Suggestions on how to run the adex would be appreciated

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Do you have a coach for your diet and everything too? Offsets on obviously not as big of a deal.

The one thing I would say you need to do is get your posing down now! Not 10 weeks out... Now! A good poser will outshine anyone. All muscle aside. If your the biggest dude on stage yet your a shity poser you won't win.

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Do you have a coach for your diet and everything too? Offsets on obviously not as big of a deal.

The one thing I would say you need to do is get your posing down now! Not 10 weeks out... Now! A good poser will outshine anyone. All muscle aside. If your the biggest dude on stage yet your a shity poser you won't win.

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Yea I've been working with a coach, his names John Otis Hollywood. Are there places where I can specifically practice posing?

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Re: RE: Re: 1 year and some months out cycle

Serpent said:
Do you have a coach for your diet and everything too? Offsets on obviously not as big of a deal.

The one thing I would say you need to do is get your posing down now! Not 10 weeks out... Now! A good poser will outshine anyone. All muscle aside. If your the biggest dude on stage yet your a shity poser you won't win.

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Yea I've been working with a coach, his names John Otis Hollywood. Are there places where I can specifically practice posing?

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There are. Depends on the area. youl have to reach out to some people. I'd start with whomever runs the NPC for your state.

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Serpent said:
"TX TERROR" said:
Do you have a coach for your diet and everything too? Offsets on obviously not as big of a deal.

The one thing I would say you need to do is get your posing down now! Not 10 weeks out... Now! A good poser will outshine anyone. All muscle aside. If your the biggest dude on stage yet your a shity poser you won't win.

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Yea I've been working with a coach, his names John Otis Hollywood. Are there places where I can specifically practice posing?

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There are. Depends on the area. youl have to reach out to some people. I'd start with whomever runs the NPC for your state.

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I'm in Illinois, how do I find that out?

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I'd suggest you space out two cycles. One as your bulk. Especially of your using slin.... and them one as your contest prep cycle.

It's a safer approach and will allow you to have a decent break in between for a cruise or a pct. Personally as a competitor I would say cruise.

My approach would be a 14 week blast for your bulk followed by a 10 week cruise then a 14 week blast for prep. Again this is my approach. The days of being off cycle for someone with goals in the IFBB are just not realistic. I'm not sure where you plan to head but just stay safe if course and stay educated.

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I blast and cruise already, pct is not a concern. I'll see what to do I might shift around my drug protocol

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The prep protocol is the hard one. That takes some real effort to plan.

You have to plan your test to drop off correctly and also timing of your orals is super important. It gets gnarly I went in it straight from a short bulk and regret it.

Makes it an 18 week cycle. I wish I would have just went straight to my prep cycle instead. My body is struggling.

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Weeks 1-16 1g test cyp
Weeks 1-16 1g eq
Weeks 1-6 anadrol 50mg ed.
Weeks 10-16 dbol idk what you have but I would keep it conservative....

Peptides and insulin with this will be insane dude. Idk if you have ran insulin. But it is extreame dangerous but it's also extreame effective.... I'd keep.all that in line with your bulk. I don't run peptides but I do run insulin.

Again this is how I would do it. Not necessarily the way you HAVE to do it. I take a more conservative approach to AAS use. It doesn't take much if everything else is in place...

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