

  1. J

    First Time SARMs Cycle

    Hi guys, I’m new to the SARMs industry and want to take lifting to the next level. I’ve been lifting consistently for two years now. My stats are 18, 173lbs, 13%ish body fat, and 5’7”. I’ve done extensive research but don’t consider myself a professional at all. For my first cycle I plan on...
  2. D

    Female Beginner SARMS Cycle

    Hi everyone! I've been around reading and researching female perspectives/experiences of SARMS use. I've been bodybuilding for a couple years now and I want to gain an edge in aesthetics and performance. I am planning on doing a show in the first week of April and starting my first cycle of MK...
  3. S

    Are Elite Sarms Australia legit? Any reviews?

    Hi guys. Ive recently run a sarms cycle for 12 weeks GW, S4 and MK. I ordered all 3 from elite sarms Australia - I put on weight during the cycle but did look leaner so im...
  4. K

    Ostarine, S4, Cardarine cutting cycle.

    Hey everyone. First post so forgive me if I have done something incorrectly here. I am currently running a strength cycle for ostarine at 25mg ED for 4 weeks followed by a 4 week break and repeating 3 times. My goal is NOT to put on mass/size, it is to gain strength. I am however not monitoring...
  5. K

    First timer - LGD-4033 and something else?

    Hey Dylan, Been following a lot of your threads and have found a lot of helpful information, thank you for that. I have just received my first ever bottle of LGD-4033. I have only dosed two days, but I can't help thinking I should have added another SARM to my stack. I was thinking GW-501516? I...
  6. T

    Swarms question....

    So here in my town I was able to get a hold of some Sarms at a supplement store I purchased: Immortal with has RAD -140(30mg), GW -501516(30mg) and LGD -4033(15mg). The immortal is in pill form and says to take 3 a day. S4 -drops (one drop a day) MK-2866 - drops (one drop a day) My...
  7. J

    Successful PCT without SARMS ?

    Ive seen lot of people are starting to use SARMS in PCT... is there a way to have a successful PCT without SARMS ? and to keep most of my gains? im doing my research to start my first cycle of test E..blood work has already been done. but I want to make sure I have my PCT BEFORE HAND. any help...
  8. J

    Need info on SARM cycle, appreciate any help!

    I was suggested to get rad-140 and lgd-4033. Get two of each and take one of the droppers a day in the morning. This is all the information my friend in the navy gave me before his ship left port. I would really apprciate some more information. What's the most reliable source to buy them...
  9. JonnyKowalczyk

    Bulking on LGD - Calories.

    Hi guys, iv'e had a look and cant find this answered to my satisfaction anywhere so i thought i would just ask, hope that's OK haha - Just wanting to know if i consume around 3,030 calories on a bulk without the SARMS, would it be of any advantage to increase that number whilst on them or would...
  10. R

    SARMs for a Cycle

    Hello, everyone, I'm looking at doing my first cycle. I'm 20 y/o, stand at 5'11", and weigh 185 at 13% bf. Before doing anything, I WILL be getting a blood test so that I can keep track of everything. If I'm not comfortable with my levels I'm going to push off the cycle. Here's what I'm looking...
  11. S

    Please help in Last Informations for First Ostarine Cycle

    Hello , i First apologize for my bad english , im german xd. So After a Lot of Research about sarms i Decided to take a Ostarine Cycle it would be my First Cycle eher with a Substance. I choosed it because it seems to be pretty effektive and the supression is very minimal ( this is Important...
  12. RUCingdsgainz

    Sarms sides? Specifically S4 and LGD

    Just curious do sarms increase libido or agression? Specifically S4 and LGD that is my current stack. Feel like my temper or iratabilty level has increased along with sex drive.
  13. B

    rad140 newbie

    Gentlemen and /or Ladies, recently purchased RAD140, the bottle says 10mg x 30ml, since that cant be converted, how does a bro, measure 20mg? one is mass and the other is volume. is the dropper usually 10 mg? i want to start with 20mg. thanks in advance.
  14. RUCingdsgainz

    Stacking Test boosters and SARMS?

    My question is if you run a test booster say for instance D-Aspartic acid and Tribulous with a sarms stack will that counter balance the suppression of natural testosterone that we know sarms do? If not totally get rid of the suppression but at least aid in making for an easy recovery?
  15. A

    T-Bol only cycle

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  16. B

    Cardarine and cardio

    Dylan- I know that you are a big fan of cardarine and know an extensive amount of information on the stuff. So,what type of cardio should I be doing in order to optimize the fat loss effects of cardarine? HIIT or low-to-moderate intensity steady state? I have experience in both forms and both...
  17. B

    Quick Question on LGD Hair shed

    Hi Guys, Let me start by stating that upon the word of Dylan and Rick, SARMS do not seem to affect the hair follicles to anywhere near the extent of the more potent anabolics. I also respect their opinion and advice 100%. With that said: Before taking ISARMS LGD and Ostarine Recently, due to...
  18. A

    EQ stacked with SARMS cycle advice needed

    Hello everyone, I am looking for a very mild and low side effect cycle. Equipoise seems to be a steroid that suits into this category. My question now is, could I run an EQ only cycle while stacking it with SARMS if I don't expect huge gains and I am not in a rush to gain a ton of muscle within...
  19. M

    Ostarine + Lgd Stack help

    Hi Folks, I need a little guidance for stacking ostarine and lgd together for my cycle so need some help with the dosage and duration along with a proper PCT. Body weight : 196 lbs Height : 6'1 Body Fat : 17-18% Age : 29 Goal : Recomp
  20. T

    Recommend me a sarm stack? Help

    I'm 21 and been working out for a few years. I've been cutting down and achieving results but would like to keep more muscle and if possible gain muscle at the same time while losing body fat. I think this would be called a body recomp. I appreciate everyone who linked me to videos and gave...
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