

  1. M

    Female - Enhanced SARMS Stack Log - 1st Cycle

    Note: that I am currently on day 4 of the enhanced SARMS Stack, as I started on Friday, December 23, 2016. However, I will give all the details of Day 1- Day 3 experience below. I was extremely busy, and unfortunately did not have time to post before today. *** This log is detailed because as...
  2. B

    RAD140 Cycle help

    What is the best cycle protocol for running RAD140? I plan on resuming my clen/t3 cycle sometime during the RAD cycle. I read online that anywhere from 10-20mg/day is a good point with 20 being the sweet spot. I plan on taking the normal supps such as creatine, aminos, DAA and taurine. I...
  3. Blue_Shine

    Getting RADical with RAD-140 (Testolone)

    Disclaimer: If one chooses to supplement with a given compound, ultimately, the responsibility is on him/her to make sure they are well informed. This author feels that there is no substitute to making decisions based on guidelines set by professionals with experience using RAD-140. Dylan had...
  4. D

    Ostarine then RAD140 back to back?

    Hey guys.. So I'm about to finish an 8 week cycle of ostarine (25 mg ED) and wanted to to 12-16 weeks. I do, however, have 8 weeks worth of rad140. My question is instead of forking out cash for more ostarine, would it be okay/safe to just continue on with the rad140 upon my last day of...
  5. B

    Sarm Bulking cycle

    Hello Dylan and my fellow gym brothers. I finally decided to go on a cycle after researching a lot about sarms and watching dylan's videos about each and every sarm i'm going to write about. I decided to use sarms to see how much size i could put more ontop of my body right now and by the looks...
  6. A

    RAD140 & MK677 review/Important Question

    Hey guys I'm new to the forum, but I've read a lot of y'alls threads and thank you it's great stuff being discussed. First off I need to say thank you so so much to Dylan Gemelli, being uninformed I probably would have wrecked my body taking steroids, but luckily for me I came across his videos...
  7. R

    Rad140 pct

    Just ordered an 8.5 week RAD140 cycle at 25mg a day from SarmsX. This will be my first time doing any SARM or AAS. Very excited but also a little scared about supression. What PCT cycle should I do to make sure I'm as safe as possible?
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