

  1. M

    how much fat when on cycle

    hey everyone...I was just curious how much fat do u guys think is enough when on cylce? cause almost everyone prefer low fat and very high carb when on cycle
  2. M

    intermittent fasting while on cycle

    so does anyone like to do IF while on cycle? or u think it just better to use something like carb backloading to stay lean and gain some muscle?
  3. F

    Dieting on SARMS!?

    Hey fam! i've just started my first sarm cycle ever! currently running LGD, GW and osta. (running this for 8weeks) then im doing a mini pct then im running osta and gw for another 8 weeks. im 21 years old, 188cm and about 87-88kgs atm. i'd say my bodyfat is around 11% ish atm. my maintence is...
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