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  1. B

    SARMS ONLY cycle, nad PCT for it

    Hi, Stats : Weight: 190 pounds Height: 6ft BodyFat % : around 11% Been training for About 6 years, first 2 yeasr was mostly cardio and MMA, now since 3years have been hitting the gym hard. Its my second times using sarms (never used anything else), This cycle im doing 12weeks of RAD, LGD, GW...
  2. B

    First cycle questions

    33 years old, 5'2", 135lb 10-12% body fat. I'm pretty lean and I've been at the gym thing for a few years. Ingredient list. Test cypionate: 2 bottles,10ml bottles 250mg/ml per bottle. Dutasteride 30ml- I have male pattern baldness ( but I'm not bald I'm just thinning a little) I don't want...
  3. Z

    Long cycle advice

    Hi all, Few questions about planning my next cycle Dylan mentioned in his 'my favourite steroid combinations' youtube video a cycle involving: -Test -Equipoise -Primobolan And I am looking at a long cycle for my 4th cycle and from all the great things Dylan has said about these compounds I...
  4. RK77

    First LGD-4033 & MK-677 12 weeks cycle log...genuine inside info

    First LGD-4033 & MK-677 12 weeks cycle log...inside view on SARM effectiveness Hey guys, in order to help all the members who are possibly considering running SARM cycle here's some personal experience & facts without exaggeration. For starters some numbers: Age: 39 Weight: 240 Height: 5' 11"...
  5. A

    Test Cycle Advice - First Cycle

    Dear All, I am planning on running the following cycle. 1-12 test cyp 500 mg week 1-14 aromasin 12.5 mg eod 1-6 epistane 40 mg day 1-6 cycle assist 1-12 lgd-4033 10 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m. 1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg in the p.m. 1-12 GW-510516 20...
  6. N

    Steroids + sarms cycle info needed please

    Hey guys. Intermediate anabolic and SARM's user individually but never together. About to start a new 12 week anabolic lean muscle/cutting cycle + 4 week PCT and was looking for some guidance for 'what/how/when' to incorporate SARMS in with my anabolic cycle. Was considering running GW...
  7. I

    First Cycle... Last minute advice please.

    Weeks: SARM/Supp: Dose: 1-8 LGD-4033 10mg ED(AM) 1-8 GW 501516 20mg ED(AM) 1-8 Exemestane (Aromasin) 12.5mg EOD(AM) 1-8 Blue OX 3 Capsules (PM) PCT: 9-12 Clomid Week 9=50mg(AM) Weeks 10-12=25mg(AM) 9-12 Blue OX 4 Capsules (PM) 1. Are there any glaring mistakes in my cycle that you would...
  8. M


    My question is how long after pct should i do blood work?
  9. 44YOGearHead ***12 weeks Advanced Bulking Cycle***

    12 weeks Advanced Bulking Cycle $633.99–$655.00 4 Testoa E250 3 Nandrostoa 300 100 Oxystoa 50 mg 45 Aromasin Pfizer Layout: Weeks 1-12 750 mg Testoa E250 per week Weeks 1-12 500 mg Nandrostoa 300 per week Weeks 1-4 50mg Oxystoa ED Weeks 1-12 12.5 mg Aromasin ED This is an advanced...
  10. S

    First Cycle "plan"

    Hi Guys I am a new member from Aus & this is a first post. Just wanted to thank you guys for all the info you give. I've done a fair bit of research and wanted to get your opinion on a cycle plan I have in mind. **note** - I am not looking to run this cycle immediately, nor am I in a rush. I...
  11. T

    I think this question will help A LOT of people.

    Dylan, I cannot find a straight answer for my question. You say one thing and other trusted people say another... I go to many other forums as well as this one and still cannot find my answer. Tren A 100mg eod // Test E cycle either 100 or 75 eod have not decided yet. gw501516 // prami...
  12. N

    Mid cycle blood results?

    Got the panel from lab corp, results say, abnormal. got stuff high and low. How can I have results deciphered? No doctors around me worth a shit. Any comments appreciated. Creatinine-high-1.61/eGFR nonafrican am-low-48/eGFR African am-low-56/calcium serum-high-10.5/alkaline phosphate...
  13. M

    8 Week Power Stack

    24yrs old 7 years training experience 179lb's @8-10% bodyfat Starting the 8 week power stack soon and was looking for any advice/recommendations. plan is as follows: w1-8: LGD-4033 10mg/d w1-8: RAD-140 10mg/d w1-8: S4 50mg/d depending on vision sides, S4 doses may be increased to 75mg/d after...
  14. R

    New cycle

    Hey hope your doing good. Was wanting you to give me some feedback on this cycle. I have been looking for a cycle to bulk up and then go unto prep for my next physique show. Here is the one i found. 1-10 Test E 500mg/wk 1-10 Deca 250mg/wk 1-4 Dbol 30mg/day 11-20 Test P 100mg/EOD 11-18 Tren A...
  15. H

    Lgd help - first cycle

    Just received my first 3 bottles of lgd and looking for some advice with regards to how to cycle it. Was planning on running it for 8 weeks at 10mg/day - wanting to add size. Is this too much? Also, what should my PCT be composed of? Do I actually need one? Do I need to be taking anything in...
  16. AsapSlim

    S4 from sarmsx?

    I've read a lot of threads from guys who recently started s4 and they all seem to have something in common, no eye sides! I received a bottle from them in June and it had me blind as hell (50 mg) but I finished it. I then ordered another bottle to complete my 8 week cycle and this time it looked...
  17. Romes20

    Cycling or Blast/Cruise cross roads- When to switch?

    A bit of background as I don't post too often here. I am 32 years old, 192lbs, 11-12%bf, 6'. Diet is 90% clean and I push it in the gym 5-6 days a week. I have been training for about 6 years now and I feel like I am always battling to strike a balance between gym warrior and an office...
  18. D

    Acne from LGD

    Hey Guys, So since Ive started LGD for about two weeks or so longer, Ive gotten a decent amount of acne on my arms, no where else just my arms. I know that plenty of factors could come into play here that being eating, sweating, oily skin, etc. Lately Ive been tanning and using Clearasil twice a...
  19. M

    how much fat when on cycle

    hey everyone...I was just curious how much fat do u guys think is enough when on cylce? cause almost everyone prefer low fat and very high carb when on cycle
  20. M


    only 9 days in my cycle doing 30mg each day split in two doses,20mg pre workout and 10mg 10 hours pumps are amazing and i look more lean and vascular then ever!!! this quality is the best
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