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  1. D

    First cycle ever!

    Im trying to upload a pic
  2. D

    First cycle ever!

    Not comfortable showing a pic of me no offense but I can assure you I’m telling the truth. Why would I lie.
  3. D

    First cycle ever!

    Would it help to say that I played d1 college football and professional. Was an offensive guard and relatively lean for my size. The rock has nothing on me.
  4. D

    First cycle ever!

    Absolutely. I just know guys that only used Clomid for their pct and they were fine. They didn’t have any of that other stuff listed for their pct
  5. D

    First cycle ever!

    I only have access to pharma grade Clomid for pct
  6. D

    First cycle ever!

    Ain’t that a bit much for pct
  7. D

    First cycle ever!

    Hi guys my name is Adam I’m 25 been working out my entire life. I’m 6’5 300 lbs and built like a brick shit house. I’m very excited to start my first 12 week AAS cycle. I want to do test e and Anavar (I have a guy who is prescribed it) I got Clomid for my pct. I want to know what doses I should...
  8. D

    Welcome/Introduction Thread

    Hello everybody My name is Adam I’m 25 and I want to begin my first steroid cycle. I have a guy who can get me Anavar test E and Clomid. The only thing I really need is Novaldex and was wondering where I can get some and if I really need Novaldex if I already have Clomid. Thank you!
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