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  1. iguanascorpion

    Kept All Gains 8 days after 1st MK 2866 Cycle

    Rick, Thanks! Have you found from user feedback that MK-677 works more effectively in older males (I am 50). Plus, I love the pulses I have been receiving from using it. For me the MK 2866/677 combo was awesome, after a two week break, I am starting my second cycle of Ostabolic next Saturday...
  2. iguanascorpion

    Kept All Gains 8 days after 1st MK 2866 Cycle

    Pleased to find that I have kept all 10lbs of gains 8 days after the cycle was finished. Started my second month of MK 677 (which I believe is making a huge difference as I have kept calories up and have almost no body fat gains). I have also been taking GW for the last 3 weeks.
  3. iguanascorpion

    10 Important facts about calcium: A new video by Dylan Gemelli

    Calcium Citrate is also highly absorbable and affordable. Make sure you take Vitamin D3 and not D2. D3 is the better choice. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. iguanascorpion

    3 months to 51

    Hey man, I found the comment hilarious, no offense taken. And thanks again for the props! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. iguanascorpion

    3 months to 51

    Thanks! I have been very successful at keeping my Body Fat at 5% or lower year round for many years with diet alone. What I find most impressive is that I have been able to put on 10lbs without a substantial gain in Body Fat. I did bump up my calories for the entire run, all on a mostly Vegan...
  6. iguanascorpion

    That one song that gets you to lift insane amounts of weight...

    The Hives: Hate To Say I Told You So
  7. iguanascorpion

    3 months to 51

    First Ostarine\MKK 677 cycle. Started at 132lbs at 4.2% bodyfat. 6 weeks in, now at 142lbs, (have not measured bodyfat). Used another brand for the first 4 weeks as I was new to SARMS use. The last 2 weeks I have been using SARMSX. I definitely have noticed a difference between brands.
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