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  1. B

    GW501516 Log

    how & where do i make my own article for peptide advice??
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    cycle advice

    awesome info guys please keep telling me more about this great knowledge you guys have? i will deffs throw in the cyanide :P
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    cycle advice

    regardless of anything said im going to use it im just here for advice on running it safely as possible with minimal sides im not here to argue thanks for your input
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    cycle advice

    heres your common sense go & throw thousands of dollars of hard earned pay on the ground outside because thats exactly what your telling me to do. GH will not kill me ill live thanks for your advice
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    cycle advice

    thanks for your advice as for GH ive already got it so i will use it & see what it does for me, i cant sell it as people cant afford it & opt for chinese instead of the real thing. as for my BF my diet is clean now & will stay this way to me GH is an investment so i will make sure i do not go...
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    cycle advice

    for this cycle i want to use aromasin which i will get i only use pharma garde products so i will get Pfizer, except from the EQ which is vet or UG. also can i eat after HGH injection?
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    cycle advice

    this would be my fourth cycle ive used 3 cycles of test enanthate at 400mgs/week for 12 weeks each cycle with adex .5mgs EOD
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    cycle advice

    103kgs or 227lbs, 6ft, BF 14%
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    cycle advice

    Hi Dylan big Australian fan just wanted to ask your thoughts im currently 24 ive decided to use humatrope at 3iu 5 days a week mon/tues/wed/fri/sun first thing in the morning. I am going to run it for 6 months & 2 months in im am going to run Test Cypionate at 400mgs/week & Equipoise at...
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