What form does GTx, Inc. administer mk-2866 in their clinical trials? I would think the company that is trying to bring it to market would know the best way to administer it....
Makes no sense to me...
I purchase my raws, I put them in caps, poof, SARMS in caps....
(Which I have personally done)
What would be the difference in making my raws into liquid suspensions, or caps, other than legality?
How is this for sure? Why can't SARMS come in capsules?
I have bought raws and put them in capsules, what would be the difference?
Curious, and would like to learn the rationale here....
From what I understand receptors actually increase in number over time.
And Rich Piana uses a lot of bro science himself...
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Advanced labs VIP customer
Mix it with an oil based aas, or even b12 it'll thin it out and work fine. Shake the hell out of the syringe then inject
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Advanced labs VIP customer
That fat burning effect of eca actually increases over time, just because you don't get the stimulant effect over time doesn't mean it's not working
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Advanced labs VIP customer
Came and went every few hours, by the time I was done eating, I was hungry again. Seems like a good repartitioning agent, I just get fuller rather than spilling over
I prepped a girl about 15yrs ago on only Eq 50mg/wk, clen and t3, she literally transformed
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Advanced labs VIP customer