The website isn’t loading for me. I HATE that they deleted your vids on YT bro. Are they going to be found on this site from now on?
I wanted to do research in tren and found all your videos gone.
Good content man.
Ive been running keto for years and still building lean mass. Im sure I could never be a mass monster without carbs but for my goals I don’t need them.
Yeah man. Before being diagnosed I gained 100lbs of fat, was chronically depressed and couldn’t stay awake past 5pm. I had constant headaches and was an emotional bitch. My test levels were in the 200s. Dylan is so right about prolactin supression. It’s a nightmare.
With in a couple of years my...
17 is still high. Prolactin shuts you down like there is no tomorrow even if it is a little out of whack. Start caber after speaking with your doc. But go to an actual Endro.
Hey guys. “Bloated” abs that massive bodybuilders get... how does that happen? Some say it’s incorrect ab training and others say it’s diet and even yet some say it’s AAS use.
I see some huge guys in the gym with chiseled upper and lower body but that kid section looks like a barrel...
Even an...