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  1. K

    Proviron on test/EQ cycle?

    Hi guys, I'd like to know if it is recommended to use proviron in a test/EQ cycle? what would be its role/benefits in that particular cycle? Thanks :)
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    First SARMS Cycle Results from Newb

    good for you, congrats for the progress. About to embark on a similar journey with SARMS, looking forward to sharing results :)
  3. K

    My SARMS scenario for body recomp - makes sense?

    my bad then Dylan, I misunderstood. In one of your videos, there is this: Cutting+size+strength: GW+S4...I took this to be the same as recomp. Apologies. can you tell me your thoughts please on this: what is the minimum length at which I should be using Cardarine during PCT?
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    My SARMS scenario for body recomp - makes sense?

    I appreciate your input RickRock, thank you. I am starting to work with a nutrition coach who wants to bring me up to 250g of protein a day. Re test cycle, I am aware I am a bit high on BF but I want to run it because my tests showed that I'm low on test. What about my questions re the SARMS...
  5. K

    My SARMS scenario for body recomp - makes sense?

    Stats. 46, 175 lbs, 6’ 1”. 4 years of training 3x per week. 170 g of protein daily. Calorie at maintenance ***edit*** 16% BF
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    My SARMS scenario for body recomp - makes sense?

    Hi, For my body recomp cycle, I want to run a 12-week cycle: 1. Test E 400mg/week 2. LGD4033+S4 In PCT I will run GW+Ostarine as SARMS because I prefer to not use Cardarine for too long (personal choice) Now, to my questions: 1- does the plan above make sense? 2- In one of your videos, Dylan...
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    Question re DGA Post CT

    Thanks! Do you ship internationally Dylan or do you have a distributor in EU? I guess customs charges could be high upon ordering multiple boxes of both...
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    Question re DGA Post CT

    hi guys, just to be sure I understand the principle of DGA's product line, Post CT from Dylan Gemelli is a direct replacement/alternative for HCGenerate ES, correct? and Organ ST could be seen as an alternative to N2Guard, right? obviously they have a different formulation but I'm trying to see...
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    best stacking with test for body recomp

    thanks all, much appreciated :)
  10. K

    best stacking with test for body recomp

    Hi guys, I'm on test E, 350 mg/week trying to do a body recomp (from 15% BF to 12%) while trying to gain 7-10 lbs of lean muscle, if possible. What are the ideal sarms to stack with the test E while on cycle? would it be cardarine and S4? Thanks! :)
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    skewed measure when drawing test in syringe?

    great advice, thanks @RickRock
  12. K

    question about PCT

    Hi Dylan & team, in the PCT scenario you recommend would I need to run HCG for 4 weeks before PCT starts? I'd like to avoid them if possible but would like your opinion. thanks :)
  13. K

    skewed measure when drawing test in syringe?

    hi iSarms friends :) don't want to be anal about how to draw test in a syringe (using a 23G) but here's my question anyways: today i had a medium size bubble in my syringe when drawing 0.4ml of test E. I tried to take it out but was unsuccessful so I just injected the planned 0.4 ml with the...
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    question about PCT

    thanks bro!
  15. K

    question about PCT

    Thanks Carmel cowboy :) I plan to use the “perfect PCT” recipe from the thread like a good little soldier, exactly as described. Is it ok?
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    question about PCT

    Thanks a lot :) Super helpful. Since I am using test Enanthate, should I then wait for the 2 weeks before starting PCT? Kimmy
  17. K

    question about PCT

    Hi Dylan and iSarms community, I have 2 questions regarding my upcoming PCT. Right now I'm on test E 350 mg / week for 12 weeks. 1- Re aromasin: do you wait 2 weeks after the last week on cycle and then you resume the aromasin 12.5mg EOD for PCT period or do you use without interruption after...
  18. K

    Difference Post CT and Organ ST on cycle?

    Perfectly clear Dylan, thank you :) I guess I can pass my second order now...should have asked the question before!
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