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  1. G

    MK question

    Sorry Dylan I meant to post this last comment for MK677 for those two questions.
  2. G

    MK question

    Awesome I’m about to order after the new year. Just two more questions. 1. What time of day is best to take? 2. The dosage is 25mg. The vile has a .25ml .50ml .75ml and 1ml mark lines. I’m guessing that first .25ml is the same as 25mg?
  3. G

    MK question

    Hey Dylan. Been watching your videos on YouTube about sarms. You have some great information. I was curious about MK-2866. I’m 31 and I’ve noticed a slowdown in my performance and metabolism over the past year even though I eat rather healthy and stay active. I’ve never tried Sarms before but...
  4. G


    Great I’m going to order soon. Say I did become insulin resistant due to MK-677, how would I know? Is there something I’d be looking for or blood test only?
  5. G

    3 months Recovering from Post Finasteride Syndrome

    This has me thinking now. I took this shit in 2010 when I was 23 for like a month. I remember having issues but never quite felt the same after. At 25 I stated to have really bad anxiety and panic attacks. Could be unrelated but Ames me wonder what else it changed on me.
  6. G


    Hey guys, I was originally planning on taking Osterine for my first Sarm. After a little more research I’m now thinking about taking MK677 first for a while since Dylan recommends taking it for a minimum of 6 months. Once I’m good I may add something else in (advice needed). I don’t want to...
  7. G

    Ready to try SARMS MK-2866

    Awesome. Speaking of legit MK2866. I went to like Dylan said and I’m ready to buy but I don’t see clomid or GW anywhere on there. Any ideas or links? I want to make sure I have everything before so start.
  8. G

    Ready to try SARMS MK-2866

    Final question. Since I have no idea what suppression feels like, what can I expect? If I run your recommended Post CT and mini PCT will I not notice anything?
  9. G

    Ready to try SARMS MK-2866

    That why I wanted to ask. Thanks for that response. I’ve just learned in my 31 years that there is no such thing as a free lunch. I just wanted to make sure I understand everything including the potential risks. From your experience, is there any side effects that one could expect at all? The...
  10. G

    Ready to try SARMS MK-2866

    Thanks for the info. Regarding number 2, I only asked because that post he specifically said he took only MK-2866 and nothing else. He mentioned that while taking MK-2866 that he had a great sense of well being and felt like Superman. He did a PCT but it seemed weak. If this risk is only for...
  11. G

    Ready to try SARMS MK-2866

    Hey Dylan, I’m 31 and have considered using Sarms for the past year. My metabolism and endurance have appeared to hit a wall within the past year even after maintaining a healthy diet and exercise routine. After my research I’m pretty certain that I want to try MK-2866. To be clear, I’m not...
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